Death & Rebirth

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She was kind with a pure soul she would give her last to make you smile. She came into this world already damaged and broken, but her trauma made her into the kind of person she was. She just wanted to be loved and give love but unfortunately darkness preyed on her , she couldn't understand why she would give and give for only people to take from her and fill her head and heart with false hopes and love that wasn't real. One day she broke , she broke down so badly she anticipated ending her life but she knew she wasn't that weak and that wasn't her. She died that same night gazing at the night sky, awakening on the moon she was reborn. She now knew that she was a Goddess and one day her true love will come forth but she won't chase this time, she will only put in the same effort as them. She now knew her worth to value herself and only try when people are genuinely trying themselves, she walks with confidence, her head held high, never looking down in death and rebirth she will only rise like phoenix

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