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My dinner with Rose after the event last week was better than I expected it to be. Although I regret the wine I drank at the event for the most part of the conversation—where I laughed—I might’ve drank too much of champagne, I never laugh like that. A part of me was glad that Rose only saw me like that and that she liked that part of me but the other part of myself cannot stop hating the fact I almost let my guard down infront of Rose. The realization hit me when the waiter brought our food and it was clear I wasn’t alone with Rose and I wasn’t having dinner with her to make her think that I want a lovable relationship with her.

Rose must’ve felt my realization because after she excused herself to go to the restroom and when she came back, she didn’t say a word or tried to make any conversation, we ate our meal in silence then drove home.

We haven’t spoken about our unexpected date since then—it’s been a week. We both came back to exchanging few sentences since then.

Rose made a mistake. She told Bree about our unexpected date and she hasn’t stopped calling me asking me if I’ve changed my mind and I want to make my marriage work.

I don’t want to make this marriage work. I don’t want a relationship but I need information and as much as I hate myself for saying this but John was right. I can easily squeeze out information from Rose if I spend more time with her. She was getting comfortable talking to me at the restaurant and I knew she was starting to trust me—

“you went on a date with her!” Finn’s surprised voice brought me back to present. Since Bree knows I took Rose out for dinner she told Finn. I was able to ignore his calls or hang up whenever he touched this topic since last week but today, he took an unexpected visit to my office just to ask me what the ‘date’ meant.

“I don’t see how it is a big deal,” I said as I placed another client’s file inside my drawer.

“you never take anyone out for dinner.”

“yes, I do—”

“Business not included.”

I sighed and sat back in my chair, resting my hands on the arm rest, looking at Finn with a blank expression while he wore the most shocking expression.

“you need to figure it out,” Finn said

“Figure what out exactly?”

“Ryan,” he spoke “Rose is hoping you want this relationship to work if you don’t want a relationship then don’t show these kind of signs.”

“I just took her to one dinner”

“that’s a very big sign of you wanting the marriage to work, Ryan. And you know that.”

Yes, I do know that. Since Rose thinks I want this marriage to work means John’s advice is working—

Don’t make this mistake.

I folded my hand into a fist at the taunt of my inner voice. It’s a mistake but it will get me what I want: truth.

Before I spoke again, the doors of my office flew open and John walked in.

Speak of the Devil.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, frowning. Isabelle was suppose to inform me that he’s coming.

“I can’t come by and say hi to a friend?” John said and let his body fall into the chair across from my table, beside Finn’s “also, your secretary is making out with one of your workers at the reception.”

I closed my eyes in pain and sighed. I need to fire her.

“John, does Ryan ever take a girl to dinner?” Finn’s voice made my eyes open again.

“hell no,” he paused and glanced back and forth at me and Finn “I missed something.”

“Ryan took Rose out for dinner last night”
A grin broke on John’s face as he sat up, looking towards me “you took my advice, didn’t you?”

John’s grin grew wider while I just stared at him and Finn was confused.

“what advice?” Finn finally spoke.

John sat back in his chair still looking at me with a grin “I told Ryan to make it look like he likes Rose so that he can find out who really murdered Jack”

“what?” I felt Finn’s hard gaze on me “what the hell is he talking about, Ryan?” I finally looked at Finn and he was upset—furious even so.

I sighed and looked away from Finn

My head is aching.

“John, get out.” I said.

“what” John asked, shook.

“Get. Out.” I said, pinning him with a hard gaze.

“geez, okay, going.” He quickly got up from his chair and shoved his hands in his pocket. “you don’t look good” John pointed out as I rubbed my forehead.

“Do you want me—”

“okay, going.” He said and rushed out of my office.

“Ryan,” Finn spoke again “what the hell are you doing?” I didn’t look at him, my head was aching too much. I shouldn’t have pulled all-nighters. “you can’t do that. When Rose finds out you were using her, she’d want a divorce.”

I winced “then fine, I’ll give her the divorce.”

The room felt silent, my headache was increasing. I sensed Finn shift in his chair “Rose doesn’t know the murderer of Jack.” He said.

How does he know? He didn’t spent years with Henry to sense when he was lying and he was hiding something. If Henry knows something then so does Rose.

I pinched my forehead before looking at Finn, he had a concerning expression.

“Bree will never forgive you,” My jaw clenched at that statement “you don’t want to loose another sibling.”

I hated him because he was right, I hated myself for taking john’s advice. I hated myself for liking to spend time with Rose.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈𝐟 𝐖𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now