Alone Together

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"let's be alone together, we can stay young forever"

A new day, a slower death.
I peered over a crowd of grandparents, parents, and other acquaintances to find him eating with his family. Only a day earlier had he dislocated his damn knee. I made a joke out of it, thinking 'well atleast this one can't run'. but he could hop, and hop he did. It was tiring to even look his way until he got crutches.

The rain POURED down outside, and I felt like I wouldn't mind being swallowed into one of those huge puddles. I felt semi-invisible, sort of like Mindy Kaling in one of those commercials she does. I walked back to my school's rotting building only to near crossing paths with him. I attempted to run to look like that athletic girl every guy knows he wants, but instead I got my sweatshirt dropped in a fucking puddle, I repeat, a PUDDLE! Now that I was mortified, and also screaming 'JESUS CHRIST OH GOD' I had done more than enough damage. I truly was pissed at myself.

I made my way to our immaculate church, only to be bored out of my mind with horrible renditions of 'take me out to the ball game' and 'you are my sunshine' courtesy of the lower grades. My time came and went, and I wasn't too bummed out. Until of course, Luke's class song. Like I've said, he graduates from this hell hole in a short matter of time. Our school is one of those that decides to go with tradition. Our last song traditions consist of some stupid G rated song, a few dance movements, and pairs of boys & girls walking down at the end. My luck resulted in Luke walking down the rows with the only girl who has men lined up to her beckoning call, Carli.
'They danced, and I winced'
'They each linked arms and I felt like I could be slaughtered at a farm!' I sang within the privacy of my mind, to the tune of the Ramones. Isn't it just comforting to know your crush likes the one girl everyone else does?

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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