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Yara sighed listening to her adoptive mom rant on about how much of a disappointment she was. The words cut her heart and bruised her mind. She wanted to believe that she wasn't such a big disappointment, but everyday her mom constantly reminded her how she was a mistake to be in this world.

"And nobody would ever want you. They'll use you for that pretty little body of yours, and kick you to the curb. I don't even want you." Was the line that registered in her mind and clouded all of her thoughts.

"You don't mean that, you're just upset right now." Yara finally said. No matter how many times, her mother and the rest of her family treated her like pure shit she still wanted to believe that they loved her.

"Yara don't tell me what I mean, because I mean it. I hate your existence, and I can't wait until you able to get the hell out of my house." Her mother gritted, with pure hatred in her eyes.

"Well can y'all at least think about coming to my graduation? I got each one of y'all a ticket because I really want y'all to see me cross the stage." Yara asked, handing out her high school graduation tickets to her mom, father, sister, and brother.

"I have to work." Her big brother stated. Her dad nodded his head in addition to having to work.

"Yeah and I have something to do already." Her sister shrugged, leaving the ticket on the table.

"I'm not coming. I don't care about nothing you have going on Yara." Her mom mugged, ashing out her cigarette.

Yara nodded her head, biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from crying in front of them. "Well I hope that y'all change y'all mind and come." She mumbled, before turning on her heels walking away.

As soon as she got into her room, she closed the door letting the tears fall. She covered her mouth trying to silence her emotions, but her loud sobs gave her no justice. Her heart had been bruised, cracked, and stepped on all of her life. She longed for her family to love her, she longed for them to show up for her. However, it was the total opposite.

She continued to cry as she looked at the purple high school gown that she would be wearing tomorrow over her knee-length white dress. "No point of even going." She sniffled, wiping her face.

Yara knew that tomorrow was a day for celebration. She knew that all of her classmates would have their entire families their screaming and rooting their names. It made her sad that she would have nobody to be proud of her for completing twelve years of school.

She crawled into her bed, covering her entire body with the thin cover that her parents bought for her. She felt a migraine coming on, making her immediately close her eyes. "Nobody will ever want me." She repeated to herself until, she fell asleep.


Yara continuously glanced around the school's arena, looking for her family. The principal was nearing her last name which meant that it was almost time for her to walk the stage to receive her diploma.

She looked all around the school's arena trying to see if she could spot at least one of her family members. She was knocked out of her glance when her row was motioned to stand up so that they could walk towards the stage.

Before Yara arrived at the school, she made her family a big breakfast hoping that she could persuade them to come to her graduation. She left a long note letting them know how much it would mean for her if they came. She honestly thought that her gesture would work.

"I just know my family about to act a fool." One of the girls in front of Yara chuckled, posing for her mom to take her picture from afar.

Yara only chewed the inside of her cheek, moving up along with the line. Butterflies swarmed her stomach as she got closer and closer to the announcer. She wanted to just grab her diploma from the table and run out, but she knew that the school officials wouldn't allow it.

It seemed as if time sped up because in a blink of an eye the girl in front of Yara name was called, and as said her family started to scream, blow bullhorns, and ring cowbells to show her love. The girl jigged across the stage, making the whole arena turn up with her. The principal only shook her head, handing her the diploma.

It was now Yara's turn and she wanted so badly to crawl into a hole and never come out. The principal announced her name, and as expected nobody cheered or screamed for her. Yara quickly walked across the stage, hearing faint clapping. She knew it was probably some random family that felt bad for her.

"Thank you." She whispered to her principal. She wasted no time speed walking back to her seat, ignoring the hot tears running down her face.

"Damn girl where your folks at?" The same girl asked, frowning that nobody screamed for Yara.

"Couldn't make it." Yara shrugged, wiping her face. She felt so embarrassed to be crying, but her feelings were hurt and her heart was broken.

"Well if you want you can come to my graduation party after this. It's gone be at my brother's Air Bnb. I can send you the location if you'd like." The girl offered. She really felt bad for Yara, and even though she didn't really know her she wanted her to enjoy this special day.

"I don't know. We could exchange numbers though." Yara replied back.

"I think you should come to enjoy yourself. Here's my number, I'll send you the address just let me know if you're coming or not." The girl shrugged, typing her phone number in Yara's phone.

"Okay." Yara nodded.

The graduation continued for another hour before it finally ended. Some students threw their caps in the air, while some rushed out of the arena to find their families.

Yara gathered her things and followed a crowd to the outside. She didn't bother sticking around, so she allowed for her feet to lead her to the public bus stop. Once she got there, she sat down on the bench and carefully slid her diploma into her purse.

"Congratulations love." A random person said, walking by her.

"Thank you." Yara smiled back. As soon as the person disappeared her smile dropped. She wanted to be proud of herself, but she kept remembering how much of a disappointment she was to her family.

"Now what?" She asked herself. It was a question that she didn't know the answer to. "What do I do now?" She added. Yara hadn't applied for any colleges, because she hated school. She didn't really know what she wanted to do with her life, because she didn't think that she would make it to see this day.

"I guess just Go with the Flow." She mumbled to herself.


lmaooo don't even say nothing because when it comes to this app I'm bipolar asf. I don't know I just be needing a break sometimes.

anyways i hope y'all enjoy this book, idk when updates will be but I'm gone pre write chapters three at a time so that when I do it's like three ya feel me?

also this is my book, so basically i'm gone do whatever I want. If you don't like it, don't read it.

I hope y'all enjoy this book though! vote, comment and shareee


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