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Welcome to my #ONC2023 entry!

The Prompts:

16. The world did not end in a bang or a whisper but rather one scream at a time.

62. Hell is empty and all the devils are here. – William Shakespeare

The Summary:

The Dwindling End is here.

 I cannot stop the feeders, but I will save as many as I can, one soul at a time until the last light falls.

Humans are violent, desperate creatures. I know well their hatred, their mistrust, and their fear. My purpose in this final act is clear, but my commitment is tested at every turn.

Until I stumble on the trio, an unlikely three. Willa, who looks on me without fear. Riley, with her bottomless eyes, and Caesar, their loyal four legged companion.

Their will to live conflicts with my purpose, but I am drawn to them. As the darkness grows ever near, and the feeders close in, I wonder what I will do to keep their lights from going out.

The Last Sin Eater #ONC 2023Where stories live. Discover now