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[ You're not expendable ]

Riyo had dozed off soon after the boys had left. It had been a long day and the exhaustion had gotten the better of her.

When Riyo woke up to the front door opening and people filing in, she had no idea what time it was (or what year). She rubbed her eyes and rose into a sitting position.


Momoi Satsuki stood in Kagami's living room, smiling at her all teary-eyed.

"Suki-chan?" Riyo's voice was still raspy from sleep and she cleared her throat. "What are you doing here?"

Kagami, Teppei, and Tetsuya slipped past them into the kitchen where they began preparing a meal and talking in hushed voices.

"Tetsu-kun invited me to have dinner after I ran to the Seirin gym because Aomine-kun found out that I asked the coach to bench him and he got so mad. He hates me," Satsuki explained, her expression filled with sadness.

"He doesn't hate you," Kuroko chimed in from the kitchen.

The corners of Riyo's lips tipped upward. Tetsuya had always been the first to make sure Satsuki was all right.

"He's right. Aomine-kun would never hate you over something like that," Riyo assured her. 

"I had to ask the coach to bench him because his elbow was acting up. He was reckless when he played against Ki-chan. It would've been even worse if he played like that against Mukkun or Akashi-kun. And you know he would've," Satsuki rambled flailing her arms around in emphasis. "I didn't want him to get injured."

Riyo got a sudden urge to kick Aomine's butt for making Momoi question their friendship but she shoved it down, now wasn't the time. Riyo rose to her feet to try and limp into the kitchen but instantly winced as pain shot through her leg.

"Are you hurt?" Satsuki frowned, her pink eyes full of concern.

Riyo gritted her teeth and shook her head even as Iverson barked his disagreement. "I'm... fine."

Kagami glanced over to her, his eyes blazing, and appeared to contemplate rushing to her aid. She shot him a don't-you-dare look. She had been enough of a hindrance for one day. She wanted to walk on her own.

"Miyoshi-san got injured in our game today. She's supposed to be resting," Tetsuya explained and Satsuki's eyes widened.

Riyo shot a glare at the bluenette who quickly focused his attention back to chopping carrots.

Satsuki gasped, "What?"

A calculating gleam shone in her eyes and Riyo had no doubt that the talented Touou manager was trying to figure out how bad the injury was, how long it would take to heal, and if it had permanent repercussions. Though it was blatantly clear, the Satsuki didn't have enough data.

"I only played the latter half of one game in a street tournament and clashed with some jerk who couldn't bear losing to a girl," Riyo told Satsuki. She lifted her pant leg enough to show her still-swollen knee wrapped in a bandage. "I stretched out some ligaments. I don't need surgery just rest and PT, which includes... walking..." she spoke between two excruciating steps before her knee gave out and Satsuki had to catch her.

"Get back on that couch," Momoi ordered and walked Riyo to the couch. "You're not supposed to move around on the same day! And you need to start slow!"

"You should listen to her!" Kagami chimed in from the kitchen.

Riyo opened her mouth to retort but Satsuki silenced her with a look. Momoi had always been excellent at reining in Riyo and Aomine. She hadn't lost her touch. The pinkette plopped down on the couch as well.

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