I'm Asmodeus

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Joel's POV

"Have you seen Rose and the babies?!" I yelled to Brent when he passed by me. He shook his head no but something about the look on his face made me feel suspicious.

"You know something, don't you?" I slammed him against the wall and asked.

"I fucked up! Ok!" He yelled back in my face. I punched him in the face.

"What the fuck did you do?" I roared.

"Grab the others. If I'm going to tell this story again, I'd rather do it once." He said.

We grabbed the others and everyone sat down in the living room as Brent recounted what he'd been doing since he left yesterday.

We had to hold Damien back from beating the shit out of him.

"This doesn't tell us where she went, though." Max said.

"Did someone try her cell phone or mindlinking her?" Brent asked. I looked at him like he was stupid. "Of course I tried that before I asked your dumbass."

Colten spoke up, "remember the last time we couldn't reach her by cellphone or mindlink? She was in hell." Aw shit.

"Do you think she was kidnapped again?" I asked.

"Who knows, why would she go willingly? What doesn't make sense is the kids are gone with her. That makes it seem like she left of her own accord." Colten said.

"What do we do now?" Damien said after he calmed down.

"I think we should give her a day and if she hasn't returned by then, then we look for her." Brent said.

We all nodded in agreement. It was the best we could do under the circumstances.

Rose's POV

I looked down at my babies sleeping in their cribs, completely at peace. Unlike me. I sighed and rubbed my brows. I keep fucking up. I felt a presence behind me, Asmodeus came up and wrapped his arms around my chest and kissed my hair.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" He said.

"Why am I attracted to more than my mates? It's driving me nuts, I keep fucking up." I told him. He chuckled and turned me around to face him. He pressed his lips to mine before speaking, "it's the angel blood."

Excuse me, what?

"What does that mean?" I asked him. He grabbed my hand, led me to his study and sat me down on a chair. He reached on a bookshelf and pulled down an old leather bound book. He opened it up to a bookmarked page and showed it to me.

This page was all about angels! What stood out to me though was that angels were nymphomaniacs who loved sex. They were attracted to strong, dominant men who would produce the best offspring. The stronger the offspring would be, the harder it would be to resist. I looked at him incredulously.

"We would make the strongest babies," he winked at me. I laughed at him. Of course he'd say some bull like that.

"I'm serious, Rose. If you were with me, I could make you so happy. I'd stay faithful to you and take care of your every need. All I ask for are children. That's all I want." He said. Something in my brain clicked.

"You're trying to make super children? That's why you want me?" He hesitated for a minute and I scoffed.

"You're a pig!" I spat before leaving the study. I walked to the guest room to check on the babies but when I entered, their cribs were empty.

"ASMODEUS! COME QUICK!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

He instantly appeared and said, "LUCIFER!"

"You mean the devil took my babies?" I screamed before I started hitting and punching him, pissed off.

"GET THEM BACK NOW!" I roared which made the windows around us shatter to pieces.

"Calm down, Rose, you don't know how to control your angelic powers and that could be very dangerous." He said, holding his hands up.

"I don't care, I need them back now!" I growled.

He snapped his fingers and we showed up in a strange room filled with a LOT of naked women.

"Asmodeus! I told you not to bother me! Oh, Rose! Have you come to join? By the way, you look absolutely ravishing." I heard Levi say cheekily.

"My babies are missing and it's your brother's fault." I growled. His eyes grew wide.

"He promised not to hurt Rose!" He said. I walked closer to him, "what the fuck did you just say?" I asked him.

"I let him out of the cage but he promised not to hurt you!" He said.

"Let me guess, he said nothing about my babies, right? You let the fucking devil trick you!" I roared out, making some of the women shake. I didn't care though, I was about to flip out.

"Asmodeus, take me to my house." I tell him.

He nodded and snapped his fingers.

We showed up in my living room where all my mates were seated.

"You!" I hear Brent shout while looking at Asmodeus.

"Don't blame him for something that was your fault!" I yell at him.

"Where are the kids?" Colten asked.

I sighed and started sobbing.

"Lucifer took my babies!" I screamed out loudly, causing the windows in the house to shatter everywhere.

"Calm down, Rose!" I hear someone shout but I'm too lost in my anger to pay attention. I'm screaming, crying and throwing anything I can get my hands on. I feel arms try to restrain me but I push them off easily.

"Max! Somebody help Max!" I hear someone shouting. I try to reign in my anger but I feel it overtaking me until I suddenly succumb to darkness.

Maximus's POV

All I remember is hitting the floor. Slowly I sit up and I feel overwhelmed with visions of memories. Slowly at first and then faster and faster until my head feels like it's going to explode. I grab the sides of my head, trying to relieve the pain until suddenly it stops. I shake my head and open my eyes. I see Rose laying on the floor with Brent shaking her and crying and Joel holding her head. I see Asmodeus standing to the side, watching everything transpire and I see Damien and Colten in front of me. I think they're asking questions but I can't hear anything.

"What? I can't hear you?!" I yell out. They both look at each other and stop trying to talk to me.

After a few minutes of sitting there, I slowly regain my hearing. Now I can hear Brent yelling out while Joel is now sobbing.

"I can hear now! What happened?" I asked Colten. He sighed.

"You had a seizure bro, scared the shit out of us." He said.

"Who are you guys, by the way?" I said. I see Colten swallow before looking at Damien who paled.

I started laughing. "I'm just fucking with ya'll. I got my memories back bitches!" I yell out in celebration. I'm in a good mood for a total of 10 seconds before I remember that my kids are missing and Rose is laying on the ground, unmoving. I run to her and caress her face.

I lay my head on her chest and breathe a sigh of relief. "At least she's breathing." I see Brent and Joel breathe out at the same time.

"Did you two idiots not check to make sure she was breathing? Fucking wolves." I mumbled. I picked up Rose and carried her to the couch to lay her down more comfortably.

"What happened?" I asked.

This time Asmodeus answered, "she's unleashing her angelic powers and it overwhelmed her body."

"I can take care of her if you boys want." Asmodeus said. I heard the whole room growl at him.

"Let's all go to my place so we can talk about Lucifer. I want to take care of this as quickly as possible. After all, Rose can't bear my children if she's dead. I looked at this audacious man. Bear his children? Who the fuck does he think he is? He looked directly at me, "I'm Asmodeus, bitch."

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