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Dedicated to @wecouldbefree for making my awesome new cover!!!

April Thirteenth - Two thirty three AM - Nine Months Pregnant

Maddie woke up to sharp pains in her stomach. She knew that she was due any time now, but it was still a shock. She laid in bed for a full minute, frozen and silent. Maybe it was a false alarm, it didn't really hurt that ba- "Ahhh." She groaned rolling onto her side clutching her stomach.

Jude instantly sat up and turned on the light.

"Madelyn? Is it time?" He asked.

"Talk to me, what are you feeling?" He asked, his voice sounding urgent, but sleepy, his hair was messy in that cute 'I just woke up' way.

"I- I don't know, I think she's coming." She said, starting to panic.

"Okay, calm down, we're ready for this, breathe like the doctor taught you, we have your bag packed already, the car seat is in the car, everything is ready, we're ready for her. Let's get you to the car and we'll call the doctor on our way to the hospital." He told her calmly and gently as he carefully helped her out of bed. He grabbed the duffel bag that was by the door on their way out.

"Call Katie after you call the doctor." Maddie said in between contractions.

"We need to time them." Jude said, taking out Maddie's phone and starting the stop watch. He drove towards the hospital, before calling Maddie's doctor.

"Yeah, they're one minute fifty two seconds apart. No, we're about ten minutes out. Breathe baby, we'll be there soon." Jude said, glancing over at Maddie while he talked on the phone with the doctor.

"Drive faster." Maddie said between her teeth as another contraction hit her. "I can't drive any faster if we want to make it to the hospital in one piece babe, I'm already going 70 in a 55." He said with a smirk.

Maddie let out a loud yell, followed by a string of curses causing Jude to wince.

He hated hearing her in pain, and he couldn't wait for this to be over, for their little girl to be born.

A few minutes later, he pulled up in the front of the hospital, got out, jogged around to Maddie's side of the car and helped her out. He tossed the keys to the valet outside the hospital entrance and walked up to the nurses station. "Madelyn Jones?" The nurse asked with a smile. Jude nodded, and they immediately got her a wheelchair and took her upstairs to Labor and Delivery.

The doctor walked in just after Maddie got settled in the hospital bed after changing into a gown.

"Today is the day, are we ready to meet your daughter?" The doctor asked excitedly.

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