One - -Tara

98 8 2

Dry branches shatter under my feet, as I desperately make my way through the thickly woven forest. I am running aimlessly, I have been running for god knows how long, every since I woke up here, not knowing where 'here' is. A branch brushes my cheek, and I let out a cry of pain as a sting erupts. My fingers come away bloody, but I keep running, aimlessly.

I can hear is my heart racing in my chest. All I can see are the trees stretching out in front of me.
My foot catches on a tree root, and I find myself thrown onto the ground. Groaning, I sit up, and take a look at my surroundings.

I am in a clearing. Trees looming up all around me. Taking three deep breaths, I try to figure out a plan. There is a tree not too far away, it's branches are low, if I can climb it, I might be able to get a sense of where I am. I make my way to it.

A twig a snaps and I whirl around. A boy sits partially hidden in the woods. He has his finger to his lips, and wild, fearful look in his eyes. He slowly points up to the tree tops. I follow his gaze, and what I see nearly stops my heart.

Two vultures, the size of horses perch in the branches of nearby tree. Their beady eyes are fixed on me, as they spread their greasy wings and glide towards me. I scream and fall back. They land in front of me, giant beaks snapping. Their breath reeks of rotten meat.

Two hands grab my shoulders and pull me back into the woods, away from the terrifying creatures. When I am out of their reach, they retreat back to the tree tops.

I stand up to face my savior, the boy. His eyes are a radiant blue, though laced with terror. His face smeared with dirt. "Don't go in the clearings." He says. "They'll kill you."

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