Eleven --Tara

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I awake the next morning to the sound of birds. My head rests on Aaron's leg, he awoke me sometime last night telling me to sleep. I moan and look up at him. He sits with his back against a rock, hood pulled over his head. He smiles at me, a smile that travels to his brilliant blue eyes. He makes me happy. "'Morning!"

I sit up. "Good morning."

"We didn't get eaten by monsters!"

"Yeah. You're happy today."

"I guess a good dinner and a good sleep will do that. Wanna head back to the cave? Maybe the traps we set yesterday morning caught something."

"Yeah. Let's go."

We gather up out things and leave our river, and head back into the woods.

"Thank god we left trail markers." I say. The white rocks we left guide us through the unfamiliar forest.

"What your ideal date?" Aaron asks.

"Why?" I have thought about my ideal date a thousand times, waiting for some boy to ask me on one.

"Just curious."

"Okay. A picnic, so we could talk and get to know each other. Then a movie."

"That sounds nice." We walk for a while, before he asks. "When we get out of here, you'll let me take you out on one of those dates, right."

I grin, heart fluttering. "Definitely."

"Good." He takes my hand. "Do you think maybe we were put here for a reason?"

"What kind of reason?"

"So we could meet."

It's noon by the time we make it back to the cave. I am happy to see it. Aaron goes to check the traps and comes back with a squirrel. "Have you ever eaten rodent?" He looks dismayed. Neither of us want to try it.

"Let's save that for later. And go and try to set up a better trap." I suggest.

We decide to set the trap a half a mile or so away from camp. Our materials are: some rope, a tiny garden spade, and a knife.

"I don't know why the hunter hand a spade." Aaron says, then adds. "I want to catch a deer. Look on the ground, it's a deer trail, looks like they use it often. We should set it here."

Aaron's right. There is a small trail weaving through the fallen leaves. He shows me how to set a snare. How to tie a noose, bend the tree branch, and set the trigger. When we are finished, I have high confidence that it will catch us a meal.


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