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Chloe was walking down Main street, one hand holding her phone to her ear, the other holding bags of party decorations and dresses. She had been working around the clock to help prepare for the Founder's Day party.

Usually, Caroline was the one involved in town activities but after what happened with Vicki, she decided to go see their dad. Leaving Chloe to do Mrs.Lockwood's bidding and help her put the party together.

"Do you think I'm being a bitch?" Chloe asked.

"No, I don't think you're being a bitch" Elena said, her voice coming through the speaker.

"I mean, I know it's sad, she's dead. But why would he care so much?" she asked.

"Has he said anything?" Elena asked.

"No. He just brushes it off like it's nothing, but I know Tyler. He's obviously upset and I've been at his house like all day helping his mom with this stupid party and he just keeps avoiding me" Chloe said.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Maybe just shock" Elena said.

"Yeah. You're probably right. Sorry, I've been blabbering. How's Stefan?" Chloe asked.

"I'm worried about him," Elena said. While Chloe and Caroline were off finding bodies in the woods, Stefan had been kidnapped and tortured by the tomb vampires. Elena had to give him some of her blood to help him heal.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. He probably just needs a few days to get your blood out of his system" Chloe said.

"It's already been a few days" Elena sighed.

"I know but it's Stefan. He's like the epitome of self-control. He's not-"

Chloe was cut off by Damon walking towards her, a smirk on his face. "I've gotta go. Founder's day duty calls. We can talk more at the party tonight."

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you then. Bye."

As Elena hung up, Chloe nearly dropped all the bags she was holding trying to put her phone away. "Doing some shopping?" Damon asked as he caught them before they fell.

"It's for the founder's day party. I got roped into helping" Chloe sighed, taking the bags back from him.

"Where's the other twin? I thought that was usually her job?" he asked.

"It is but she's visiting our dad. Luckily she left me a binder so I'm not completely lost" Chloe said.

"Caroline made a binder?" he asked. "I'm not surprised," he said when Chloe nodded.

"Speaking of the Forbes women, does your mom ever talk to you about the other members of the council?" Damon asked.

"No. She never talks to us about work and the council is supposed to be a secret, remember? Why?"

"I just met Jonathan Gilbert-"

"Elena's uncle?" she asked.

"You know him?"

"I've met him a few times. He comes off as a total jackass" she said. Damon nodded completely agreeing.

"Well that jackass is convincing the council that they still have a vampire problem," he told her.

"Based on what?" she asked.

"Blood bags going missing from hospitals in neighboring towns."

"Let me guess," Chloe said, rolling her eyes. "You?"

"No, Chloe, it's not me. I'm not stupid enough to leave a trail. It's Stefan" he said.

"Wait, Stefan? He's drinking human blood again? That's why Elena said he was acting weird?"

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