Ch-39 {Life seems to be perfect}

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•| Ashi's pov |•

A month later~

I groaned for the umpteenth time getting sadder and sadder every passing second..Let's try once again..

Gosh come on pick up pick up you fool I am a worried for you..

And again I heard the same line 'The number you are trying to call is unreachable' ..Where the hell are you Mr.Nigam?

I threw the phone aside in anger and kept my hand on my face..Why isn't he picking up my calls..

So let me tell you guys what's happening..It's already been one month since I came here and every things going all right..I even made good number of friends..

And now the problem is from the past 2 days sid isn't picking up my calls and from last night his number is unreachable..I am getting so worried for him..I called ma asking her if she knows something but she also said not to worry sid must be busy in some work..

But how should I not worry?..I know him he will keep his work aside to talk to me even if it's for a minute..Goodness can't he even reply my texts even if he's really busy!

"Ashi..It's time for college let's go..Come on" Alia spoke taking her bag and I passed her a smile before nodding and getting up..I so want to lay here and not go to college today but I need to go as there's an important assignment today..

"Let's go" I said as we both walked out and she locked the door..

"Didn't Siddharth still picked your call?" She asked and I mumbled a quiet no..

"Don't be sad..He must be busy with some work..I know he will call you soon..And don't be upset, I don't like this sad ashi..I like that always smiling and cheerful ashi" She said making a cute face which made me laugh..God I am lucky to have her as my friend..


I sat in the classroom where the professor was teaching and instead of listening to him I just looked at my phone and message sid again for like the 100th time..

"It's seem like you are very much busy Ms Ashi" I heard a sound but I was too focused on phone to give attention to it..

But then my dear friend nugged me..

"Ashi the professor is calling you" She whispered and I looked up only to find whole class looking at me including that angry professor..

"Sorry sir" I said standing up to give him some respect..

"May I know the reason of your distraction" He spoke in a calm voice..

No you can not!.. I internally groaned..

"Sir..I..I" Before I could continue I heard a shrieking sound of a girl who is running in the corridor followed by some students..

"What's happening" Professor asked from one of the student in the corridor..

"Sir some big personality came to our campus today..I don't know his name uhh..All are going to see him" The boy said and started walking again..

The statement was enough to make everyone run out..

"You aren't coming" Alia and bella asked and I shrugged..

"You go I am not feeling well" Alia looked at me for a minuted but looking at my tired face she nodded and dragged bella along with her..

I saw as the students that hung over the railing of the floors to look down in the campus for that 'big personality'..

I took out my phone again in hope of some reply from sid..But it only made me angrier when I saw blue ticks which meant he saw the messages but no reply..

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