Chapter 17 - Growing up

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"Ace, did you grow in height?" Asked the 13-year-old Sabo to his brother. They were standing in front of their house.

"Huh?" Ace looked at his body. They indeed grew up. Not only in height but also their facial features changed to that of much more mature. Ace smirked. "I am taller than you now!" He showed his tongue to Sabo.

"W-What?! That's not true!" Sabo exclaimed and used his hand to measure if he is the same height as Ace and...Ace was taller.

"Hahahaha!" The ravenette laughed his ass off at the blonde.

"What are you guys laughing at?!" Luffy came through the doors all in smiles. He too grew up, but he was still the little kid to them.

"Ugh..." Ace made a mocking face and Luffy bickered back with shark teeth.

"When is dad coming home?" Sabo asked while drinking some juice.

"Probably in the afternoon." Ace answered. The brothers were sitting on a bench made from a log. "Oi. Do you think he will notice?" He turned to Sabo.

"I don't know...He could not." Sabo smiled nervously.

"Why so?" Luffy asked.

"You know. Not only are we getting older, dad is too." Sabo answered.

"Huh?!" Luffy had tears in his eyes...apparently he misunderstood. "Dad is going to die?!" He cried.

"N-No! Luffy, he is not!" Ace and Sabo tried to assure their younger brother.

"Weeeee!" But Luffy wouldn't stop crying.

"Ugh...what do we do now?" Ace turned to Sabo and Sabo turned to Ace...they didn't know, Luffy was such a crybaby that only certain person could calm him down. And that person just appeared.

"Boys?" Lue asked with a bag over his shoulder. He was confused seeing them, but he quickly understood. He walked over to them and placed the bag on the ground.

"D-Dad?" Luffy sniffed seeing his face as he crouched to be at the same level.

"Yes. What's wrong, Luffy?" Lue placed his hand on the boy's head. Luffy's eyes trembled and he hugged Lue really tightly.

"Em..." Ace and Sabo stood there kind of guilty.

"We said something and he misunderstood." Sabo sweatdropped.

"What did you say?" Lue asked patiently.

" are growing old..." Luffy said through his cries. Lue was patting his head while thinking.

"Luffy." He said and the boys' attention got to him. "We are all growing up. We grow old and lanky..." He smiled and Luffy sniffed. "But even though we do that, we still have our whole life to live. I am not going anywhere and I'm not leaving you alone." He assured the boy.

"Really?" Luffy looked at him with red eyes.

"Really. You still have your brothers too." Lue smiled. They felt something warm. Ace and Sabo walked to them and hugged Lue. Then they all were hugging in a big bear hug. Lue then thought...he has lived through two lives now. How old is he mentally? Like 80 or something. He laughed and the boys were confused, but they laughed with him.

"Okay. Let's see now what I got for you all." Lue said and got for his bag. They entered their house and sat at the table.

"What is it?" Ace asked as he sat on his chair.

"I found some interesting things over there. Like this..." Lue took out three little accessories.

"Huh? A pendant?" Sabo took one that was blue, Ace got an orange one and Luffy a red one.

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