Chapter 1 It all started with a regular day

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I awoke in my usual place, which was sleeping on an old couch with someone banging pots and pans together to wake me up. "Get up, you lazy child." The caretaker yelled at me, and I got up, grabbed my bag, and ran outside the door, with her screaming at me.

I was an orphan and was abandoned on the orphanage front porch and was taken in by one of the caretakers, who left me here in this miserable orphanage. The caretaker never takes care of me or the other kids and only uses us to get money to use for herself.

The reason I ran out so quickly was because she was about to hit me, which wouldn't faze me with pain, it just was that I didn't want to be a punching bag that day. The other kids weren't that nice either since they just stayed to have a roof over their head and bullied me all day long, another reason I left quickly.

However, I should talk a little about myself before anything else. I am a 17-year-old girl, with white hair, green eyes, and I have a name, but you don't need to know it.

Anyways, it was a quiet Saturday, so I didn't have school and decided to head to the forest to work. Now, the work I was doing is different; I was training, like how an assassin would.

I walked into the woods and to a tree that hid all my stuff. I knelt down and grabbed my tools and worked on the outfit I made from old fabric, also from some 'borrowed' goods as well. I haven't made any sort of weapons yet, but once I can maneuver thoroughly in the armor, then the weapons can be made.

 I haven't made any sort of weapons yet, but once I can maneuver thoroughly in the armor, then the weapons can be made

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I got it on carefully and tied everything onto myself and pulled my hood and a mask over my nose and ran a course I made up in my mind. What is crucial is that I adapt to my surroundings and always get away from the enemy. I did a course in my mind multiple times until I was moving without tripping or making a mistake.

I stopped once I reached a high tree and relaxed my tense muscles and listened to the falcons that soared above me. Then I heard something weird, the clanking of metal objects not far from where I was. I decided to check it out and grabbed my bag and leaped through the trees to see what was going on.

After a few minutes of leaping, I heard loud voices and climbed the tree I was on and when I looked, I had to blink twice to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I saw multiple metal beings, mining away at some blue crystals in a sort of... canyon.

They looked peaceful, but I kept my guard up and stayed hidden, until I knew more. I then saw a portal open and saw five metal 'robots' come through with guns pointed at the other 'robots.' They were about to attack, and I wanted to protect them, so I took out my falcon whistle and blew, making a very sharp and loud falcon cry.

They all stopped what they were doing and looked around at the noise and when they saw the falcons flying above, they were about to attack, but I whistled again and then they got confused again. I then was able to hear the big, silver robot screams out.

"Show yourself!" He screamed and started firing his big cannon in the air.

I jumped off the tree and to another, which gave away my position, but also made it harder for them to attack me. Almost all the robots were firing at me, except the ones that appeared from that... portal or whatever it was.

I was losing stamina but kept jumping and running and the other robots jumped on the silver robot, and they started fighting. I then heard people speaking and looked down to see three kids looking at the battle. 'Why are children here?' I thought and continued to study them. They spoke in a hush tone, and I saw the dark-haired boy pointing to something and when I looked, I saw sparks coming from the crystals.

I realized that the crystals were explosive and needed to do something to help these beings. I didn't know why I wanted to help them so much, but I pushed those thoughts out of my head and came up with an idea.

I used the falcon whistle again on them all, which got all their attention. I put it away and jumped from the tree I was perched on and was falling down to the robots and jumped from small ledges, so I wouldn't break any bones, and landed on the ground without breaking anything.

They all looked impressed, but when I pointed to the crystal, almost all of them were scattered and more of those portals opened up, in which the robots ran into it. One of the robots tried to grab me, but I dodge his hand, only for another robot to grab me and run me through one of the portals. I knew struggling would be in vain, so I decided to wait for my chance to get out of here.

When we exited the portal, I looked around and saw a dark and dull hallway with other robots there, all looking back at me and the robot that picked me up. I moved around in his grip to get a better look at the bot who grabbed me. He was a silver bot, with a red stripe on his forehead along with red eyes, two wings, and when I looked at his feet, I saw... heels?

I wanted to ask questions about who these beings were, since saying robots would be offensive to them, but I remembered that I was technically a captive to these beings and wouldn't get questions answered, so I stayed quiet.

I kept observing all the robots and saw some bleeding... blue blood and drinking those... crystals in the canyon, realizing they needed those crystals to survive, and I could've caused them even more harm.

I continued to observe everything around me, the wounds, crystals, screens, stares, and so on. After a while, the big silver bot came in and glared at me and the bot holding me. I could tell that he was a leader and he looked furious at me.

"Starscream, report." He said in a very threatening tone. I could feel the other robot tremble a little bit and he started talking.

"The mine has been completely destroyed, but we have gathered 75% of the energon from the mine. The other 25% has been blown up by the energon explosion, but we only have injuries, no terminations."

I looked at the big robot, who looked back at me with disgust and a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"And why have you brought this 'human' back to the ship when you should've let it die in the canyon!!!"

I continued to squirm in his hand, until he opened his hand, and I was able to stand up. The one called 'Starscream' explained.

"This is the human that did that... that-"

"Falcon cry."

They all looked at me in confusion and I continued.

"And I wasn't trying to have you lose those crystals, I was trying to distract those other bots by the falcon cry, apparently it backfired." They both stared at me, and other bots looked my way as well.

I just stared at them all. "Well, are you going to kill me?"

Then all eyes shifted to the big robot, who just stared at me with hate and annoyance. He then picked me up from Starscream's hand and dangled me in mid-air. At this point I was getting annoyed at these antics and crossed my arms and said, "Can you stop these antics and just get my execution over with, buckethead."

He looked angrier and I just stared back at him with my mask up, concealing my identity, like I have for so many years, and I glared at him under my hood. After a long minute, he chuckled and dropped me to the floor, but I braced for my fall, but I was caught by the one called Starscream.

"Put the human in a cage in the med bay." Starscream nodded, bowed and said, "As you wish, my lord." He said with some attitude and walked away to the Med-bay and the leader growled at Starscream's attitude and Starscream was silent and walked away with me in hand. 

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