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TW: mentions of SA & self harm

Elyssa wakes up alone. Jack and the rest of the guys are at their morning workout. She goes downstairs, finding Ellen in the kitchen.
"Good morning" Elyssa sits at the island.
"Good morning" Ellen smiles at her. Ellen holds up a pot of coffee, silently asking Elyssa if she wants some.
"Yes please" Elyssa smiles.
"I'm pretty sure the guys are going golfing today." Ellen makes small talk.
"Mhm, yeah Jack mentioned that. I wasn't really listening to him though" Elyssa laughs softly.
"Would you like to come with me to get breakfast?" Ellen asks with a wondering tone.
"Uh yeah sure" Elyssa nods, not sure what Ellen had planned.
"I'm not going to try to like sabotage you or anything hun. Just want to get to know you better is all" Ellen clarifies. Elyssa smiles, going upstairs to get dressed. The two walk to a local cafe, sitting down and ordering food.
"So tell me about yourself" Ellen leans her elbows on the table, her chin resting in her hands.
"I'm from Pittsburgh. My parents had my little brother when I was 5. Then got divorced when I was 10. I always loved playing volleyball and I dreamed of being on the Olympic team. I quickly realized I'm not olympic material. Um, after high school graduation I moved to New York to try and model. Took me a little over a year to get my first job as a model. I actually met my best friend at an audition." Elyssa tells her. Ellen nods along. "What about you?" Elyssa asks her.
"Me?" Ellen is taken back.
"Yeah" Elyssa smiles.
"Well uh... Jim and I met through hockey. I absolutely loved raising the boys. I loved watching them on the outdoor rink always just messing around. I never could've imagined all three of them would be so successful in hockey. You know? I'm so proud of them my heart could explode. They're my boys." She has a large smile on her face. Elyssa smiles as well. She loves how much Ellen loves her sons.
"I love that. And I really care about Jack. Like a lot. I don't want you to think I have any malice intent with him what so ever." Elyssa tells her boyfriends mom.
"I know honey. And I'm glad. He deserves someone who's not there for the money or the fame or anything. He deserves someone genuine. And so far I think that's who you are. Genuine." Ellen tells her.
"Thank you" Elyssa is happy hearing what Ellen thinks of her.
"So tell me more about your family. Jacks told me it's complicated but he didn't go into details." Ellen brings up. Elyssa pauses, considering if she should hold back or not. "If you don't want to, I don't mean to pressure." She quickly notices Elyssas hesitation.
"No I'm comfortable talking about it. Just trying to gather my thoughts." Elyssa tells her. "So um, all my life my dads been a dead beat. He never had a stable and consistent job. I remember him constantly yelling at my mom, sometimes he would hit her. All I was able to do was watch. When my brother was born he promised to be better. But obviously he wasn't. He gambled his money away by playing poker with his drinking buddies. He used to make me go and I just kinda sat there. I remember the first time... one of my dads best friends, a guy who I thought I could trust, got out of his chair and grabbed me by the wrist. He brought me to the bathroom and locked the door. He touched me. And I didn't know what to do. I tried calling for my dad but he just covered my mouth. I was helpless and in a vulnerable position." Ellen gasps softly, listening to Elyssa talk. "As my dad started bringing me, it started happening more frequently. Eventually other guys started to as well. My dad just sat there. He watched me go back to my seat, with tears running down my face. And he didn't say anything. He didn't do anything to help me. He knew about everything and he just sat there. Which is something I will never ever forgive him for." Tears form in Elyssas eyes. She looks up from her fidgeting hands. She sees Ellen, tears silently running down her cheeks.
"Sweetie I am so sorry you had to go through that." Ellen cries. Elyssa takes her hand, telling her it's ok.
"I eventually told my mom, which was her last straw. I think that if I had kept dealing with it I would've killed myself. I hated looking in the mirror. I hated my body. I hated myself. I always felt dirty." Elyssa continues, "I admire my mom so much. She had the strength to walk away. She did what she had to in order to protect her kids. She has always put us first. I remember nights when she didn't eat because she only bought enough for me and my brother. She worked 3 jobs. In high school, I stayed quiet. I didn't want to be seen. The only time guys would look at me, was to look at my body. That's all I ever was. So I wore a hoodie and sweatpants every day. I had friends on the volleyball team but they were kinda fake. I knew they talked about me behind my back but I didn't care. I did what I could to help my mom with my brother. I still do. I refuse to let her work herself into the ground. I wanted to pay off her mortgage but she wouldn't let me. We compromised and said that every month I'll send her money and she'll use it to pay off whatever she needs to for that month. So that's what I do. And I have a savings account for my brother. I put money in it every month. I've had it for almost 2 years now. I want to use it to pay for his college. I want him to have the option to go to college, to get out." Elyssa finishes talking.
"I- I don't know what to say" ellen stutters.
"It's ok. I really just kinda laid it all out on the table there. You don't have to say anything." Elyssa chuckles, trying not to get awkward.
"Wow" Ellen breathes. Elyssa laughs. "Does Jack know all that?"
"For the most part. I don't think he knows about me giving my mom money. Or my brothers saving account. But it's not like I'm trying to hide it from him. It's just never come up." Elyssa shrugs. Ellen nods, understanding. Elyssa looks down at her phone as it chimes.
"Jack?" Ellen asks, taking a sip of her water. Elyssa nods in response.

Breakfast with your mom
Oh god I'm sorry
Don't be. It's good. We're just talking.
Well good. We're gonna go golfing later. You should come. Unless you want to spend the day with Ellen?
ha. ha. I'll go. Maybe I can learn. We'll be back soon.
Jack🥰 liked the message

"Alright. Ready to go?" Ellen sighs, standing from her chair.
"Yep." Elyssa smiles. The two walk back to the house.

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