Chapter 25: Wedding

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I don't know what was worse

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I don't know what was worse.

The fact that I slept on the floor because Acker is an asshole or the fact that I can't take my eyes off him.

What was I thinking when I approved this fucking suit for him? He looks like a walking temptation and I can't do anything about it.

Why does he have to look like this? Can't Theo have bad-looking friends? Is it that hard? Or at least if he was gay. But no, I couldn't be so lucky, could I?

I was undressing him with a look when we were leaving the hotel. I tried to ignore him, but it was harder than it sounds.

We took a taxi to the address Dave had sent me after our phone call, and I stopped on the sidewalk, where Acker soon joined me.

I looked at the villa and at the crowds of people who were walking towards the entrance or straight across the path to the garden where the ceremony was to take place.

"I don't think you're going to get out of this one," Acker spoke.

"Wanna bet?" I turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

"I promised Julie I'd get you there, so sure, let's bet." He smiled.

"Asshole." I rolled my eyes and started walking down the path to the garden.

It didn't take long before he caught up with me and proposed his hand. I just snorted at that gesture and continued on my way.

I stopped when I saw a decorated garden.

Between two huge trees was a semicircle decorated with white flowers, behind which was a lake.

The wooden chairs had white cushions on them, and there were other white flowers on the edge, the same as the semicircle.

The sun shone through the branches of the trees and reflected off the lake.

Some people were already sitting and others were standing in circles talking.

I noticed that on the left side, there was a space where we would sit later, that is after the ceremony.

A large wooden area for dancing was in the middle of the long tables, on which there were already plates, cutlery, and glasses.

Overall, everything looked expensive here.

How can Dave afford this?

"Pretty brave to have everything outside. What if it starts raining?" Acker said next to me.

I won't lie, that thought always crosses my mind.

Of course, an outdoor wedding is beautiful, but if it started to rain, it would be a disaster.

Based on the age of the people I see here, half of them would end up in the hospital at best.

"Are you going to ignore me all day?" He stood in front of me which made me look at him.

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