Chapter 2

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*UA Staff Chat*

Present Mic: Are you alright now lil listener?

Ectoplasm: Where your parents, do they know about this?

Recovery Girl: Did you at least call an ambulance?


Nedzu: I believe it would be in our best interest to calm down and let Midoriya explain himself.





Bush Baby: Mistress was currently at work, and I couldn't call an ambulance because I was still identified as quirkless in the Quirk registery

Bush Baby: You also need a parent with you to make the registery and Mistress thinks the flowers in my hair is just me putting them their 

*Snipe is online*

Snipe: Wait Mistress?

Midnight: Why you call your mother Mistress?

Bush Baby: Mother?

Bush Baby: I was told by her that you don't call your Momma's that but only Mistress because I was quirkless

Present Mic: What about your father?

Bush Baby: Never had him in my life

Bush Baby: also, never knew I had a father until last year when I search up what a Dad was

Nedzu: And if I may ask, what does your "Mistress" ask you to do when you are not at school?

Recovery Girl: NEDZU

Snipe: That was so rude to ask of the green bean

Bush Baby: No No

Bush Baby: Everything is fine at home, and I even have chores list to do unless I wanna get punished

Present Mic: I'm scared for the lil listener now

Midnight: Same Zashi, same

Bush Baby: I start the day waking up at 5 a.m. in the morning to start making breakfast for Mistress while she's alseep

Bush Baby: If I somehow slept in late or made her breakfast wrong or burn it, she would use her quirk on my to pull my blood veins towards her makng it feel like something is trying to burst out of my skin

Thirteen: I'm going to be sick

Erasurehead: WHAT


Bushbaby: Oh that is one of the lighter punishments I get from her or anyone.

*Thirteen has went offline*

Snipe: Thirteen just vomitted in her costume

Recovery Girl: Send her to me deary

Hound Dog: Then send Thirteen to me once3 she has gotten herself check my Chiyo

Snipe: Alright 

Bush Baby: Afterwards, I finish any homework I have left until Mistress rise from her bed

Bush Baby: When she get up, depending on her mood she would either ignore me at best or at worst commence the punishment that was just mention

Bush Baby: Or she muzzles me

Present Mic: MUZZLE

Bush Baby: Then she head to work at 7:30 a.m. and I head to school at 7 a.m.

Bush Baby: School let out at 3:00 p.m. and I try my best to get home as soon as possible to ge the rest of my chores done

Nedzu: Can I have a list of the chores you do around the house?

Bush Baby: Sure, Doing Laundry is the very first thing I try to get done

Bush Baby: Next is cleaning house, that includes dusting of counters or shelves, sweep and mop the floor, scrub the walls of any blood left on the walls from past punishments

Midnight: BLOOD

Bush Baby: I tried to prepare to prepare dinner, and depending on Mistress mood, I would then be punished by being chained to a wall and she would then use her quirk to pull a random part of my body or organs

Bush Baby: Just so you know, Mistress quirk is Pull: She is able to attract or telekinetically pull objects the size of an All Might toy towards her

Bush Baby: After dinner or punishment, I would then spend the rest of the night either resting or finishing my homework

Bush Baby: From what I been told my Mistress and a Teacher I ask once, this is considered normal

Present Mic: . . . . 

Midnight: . . . . 

Ectoplasm:  . . . . .

Snipe: . . . . . 

Erasurehead: Nedzu

Nedzu: His apartments is XXXXX XXXXX Musutafa, also going to look into Aldera Elementary School

Powerloader: Do I even how you know where he lived and where he goes to school at

Nedzu: :)

Snipe: Case and Point

Nedzu: Erasurehead, can you get a hold of Detective Tsukauchi

Erasuehead: Sure thing, also heading towards the apartments

Bush Baby: What going on?

Recovery Girl: Nothing deary when does your mother come home?

Bush Baby: OH CRUDE 

Present Mic: What happened

Bush Baby: She behind me

*Bush Baby went offline*

Erasurehead: Shit

*Erasurehead went offline*

Hound Dog: I'm coming to, just so that Aizawa doesn't kill the woman

Nedzu: Go ahead, I am sending the police

*Hound Dog went offline*

Present Mic: Hope Inui and Sho make's it 

Midnight: Same Zashi

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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