11. The Dead Lake

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It was said that there was a lake deep in the woods, a lake that was so cold and so still that nothing could survive in its waters. The locals called it The Dead Lake, and they warned people to stay away from it.

But for a group of young friends, the warning was just a challenge. They were bored and looking for adventure, and the idea of exploring the mysterious lake seemed like the perfect way to spend their summer vacation.

They packed a small boat with supplies and set out early one morning, determined to discover the secrets of The Dead Lake.

As they rowed deeper into the woods, the air grew colder and the trees grew thicker. The lake was hidden from sight, but they could feel its presence all around them.

Finally, they reached the edge of the lake, and the first thing they noticed was the silence. There were no birds singing, no insects buzzing - just an eerie stillness that made their skin crawl.

They rowed out into the middle of the lake, but as they looked down into the water, they saw nothing but darkness. It was as if the lake was bottomless, and they couldn't even see their own reflection in its surface.

Suddenly, one of the friends noticed a faint light on the other side of the lake. It was small and flickering, but it was enough to catch their attention.

"What do you think it is?" one of them asked.

"I don't know, but I want to find out," another replied.

So they rowed towards the light, their excitement growing with each stroke of the oars.

As they got closer, they could see that the light was coming from a small cabin on the edge of the lake. It was old and rundown, with cobwebs covering the windows and vines creeping up the walls.

The friends tied up their boat and cautiously approached the cabin. The door was slightly ajar, and they could hear a faint humming sound coming from inside.

They pushed the door open and stepped inside, their eyes adjusting to the darkness.

It was then that they saw her - a woman sitting in a rocking chair in the corner of the room. She was old and withered, with long white hair and a vacant stare.

The friends tried to back away, but the woman spoke, her voice raspy and faint.

"Welcome," she said. "I have been waiting for you."

The friends were frozen in fear, unable to move or speak.

The woman continued to speak, telling them stories of The Dead Lake and the strange things that had happened there over the years.

"Many have come to this lake seeking adventure," she said. "But few have returned."

The friends listened, transfixed by the woman's words. They felt a strange pull towards her, as if she were drawing them in with some unknown force.

Suddenly, the woman stopped speaking and stood up. She began to shuffle towards them, her eyes fixed on theirs.

The friends turned to run, but the door was blocked by a thick, impenetrable fog. They were trapped, with the woman closing in on them.

Just when they thought it was over, they heard a loud thud from behind them. They turned to see that the fog had dissipated, and the door was now open.

They ran out of the cabin and back to their boat, not stopping until they were safely back on the shore.

As they rowed back to civilization, they couldn't shake the feeling that something was following them. They looked back over their shoulders, but saw nothing but the still, dark waters of The Dead Lake.

When they returned to their town, they told their story to anyone who would listen. But most people dismissed it as just another tall tale.

Years went by, and the friends grew up and moved away.

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