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"Any word yet, Captain?"

Colonel O'Neill stands next to Captain Carter in the gate control room. Other than the large bandage on her arm she seems to have recovered from her injuries.

She shakes her head. "No, Sir. Still unable to activate the gate. We don't know if it is just out of action temporarily or if it was destroyed by whatever they fired at it."

"You think it might have been destroyed?"

She shrugs. "I'm not sure, but I don't think so. The missile that almost followed you to the gate room impinged on the iris. So it didn't hit the gate. Even if it had, the rings are pretty tough. We've seen a few that have received all sorts of punishment yet they still worked. Maybe it is still enroute to the capitol."

"It's been a couple of days since we left. You'd think they'd have it there and set up by now. I hope the ambassador is okay."

"I'm sure he is. He was still an hour away so he should have been able to avoid the fight. It was probably their last desperate act to get rid of us. I hope it didn't work. We'll keep trying, Sir."

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