Chapter 3

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Chase looked up at Wren as he was pulled to his feet, a small smile tugging at his lips. He followed him to the closet and watched as Wren opened the door, letting Chase walk in first. He joined him and closed it back, leaving them in the dark with just enough space for the two to stand without touching.

A silence fell, and Chase took a deep breath, glancing up at Wren's face once more before his eyes fell back to the ground. He shuffled his feet a bit as Wren stuffed his hands in his pockets. What was he doing here? How had he ended up in a closet with Wren of all people? This was insane. He didn't have much of an excuse either, he wasn't even tipsy. It wasn't like he'd chosen it, though, it was for the game.

"We don't have to do anything," Wren whispered into his ear, and Chase's eyes moved to the outline of his lips in the dark. His mouth went dry as he thought about what it might feel like to kiss him. He'd rarely thought about him like that before, but now he was so close, and it was hard to think about anything else. And he was noticing too many things about him: the soft yet deep sound of his voice, the subtle scent of cedarwood and aftershave, the warmth of his breath so close to the shell of Chase's ear. He could just barely see the silhouette of his face, but he wanted to touch it.

It was a long moment before Chase spoke. He swallowed thickly, then opened his mouth, trying to find the words. "What if I want to?"

"Do you?" There was a hint of surprise in Wren's tone.

"You didn't answer my question."

Instead of responding, Wren moved a hand up to cup Chase's jaw, running a thumb over his cheek before he leaned down to kiss him. Chase was quick to kiss back, hands gripping Wren's shoulders as he stood up on his toes, tilting his head to the side slightly. Wren's lips were warm and soft, and he kind of tasted like coffee. Chase moved one hand into Wren's hair as the older boy's hand moved under his shirt, smoothing up his spine and pulling him closer, pressing against him. After a minute or so, Chase bit Wren's lip before he pulled away, panting quietly and trying to catch his breath. Wren didn't seem bothered, redirecting his lips to Chase's neck, nipping at certain places. Chase let out a stifled noise when Wren found a spot just above his collarbone that he hadn't known was sensitive before that moment.

"Careful, they might hear you," Wren whispered, though Chase could hear the smirk in his voice and it made him want to strangle him.

"There's no way anyone heard that," Chase whispered back.

"I'm sure I could make them hear it."

Chase let out a slow breath, though it came out shakier than he would've liked. He was sure his reaction was only spurring Wren on, though he couldn't help it.

"You sound like a fuck boy," he murmured.

"Well, you sound like you're being fucked." Wren whispered, his rough hand slowly moving down Chase's side, and the feeling sent electricity jolting over his prickling skin.

"Shut up." It sounded more like a whine than a demand.

"No," Wren whispered as his teeth gently dragged along the boy's shoulder before he bit his collarbone, pulling another quiet, strangled moan from his lips.

Wren's hand moved from Chase's side to his hips. He teasingly skated his thumb across the waistband of his jeans as his tongue pressed against the mark he'd made. His movements were slow, waiting for something, for a no, or a yes, or maybe he just wanted to see him beg for it.

"Please," Chase whispered, leaning his head against the wall behind him, his eyes falling shut. He pushed his hips closer to Wren's hand, too desperate to feel ashamed of it. He didn't think he'd ever wanted something so badly.

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