lady in white

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I woke up with an intense urge to pee. I reached for my phone, hiding under the huge pillow. The screen glared at me, screaming 1:47 a.m.

I rubbed the sleep off my eyes. I took in my sorroundings, vaguely recognizing I am not in my room. Then my lazy brain reminded me that I am in my aunt's house in the province for a family gathering tomorrow--well, in a few hours. And that I am sharing the bedroom with my older cousin.

I shook her awake, "I have to pee."

"Go pee," my sweet cousin replied as she pull the blanket up her neck, and I knew she isn't going to accompany me.

Unable to ignore my exploding bladder, I went outside the house and saw the small hut, that is the bathroom, beside the water pump. It was pitch dark, insects eerily singing.

Too sleepy and scared to cross the distance between the house and the bathroom, I peed in the grassy ground in front of the house. As I emptied my bladder, I caught sight of something white hovering a few meters away from me.

In my half-asleep state, I managed to grasp logic. I pick up a stone, telling myself not to freak out without confirmation. If the stone will not pass-through, then it's just white cloth. If it does, then it is what I fear it is.

I raised my hand, and threw the stone. Every hair follicle in my body stood as I saw the stone pass-through. Forgetting my unzipped shorts, I ran back to the house. I crawled back to bed, frantic.

My cousin shot up, "What the ..."

I told her what I saw. If she believed me or think I was being riduculous, I have no idea. She calmly opened a fraction of the room's window, and found herself staring straight into the blood-shot eyes of the lady in white.

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