Chapter 13 - The Present

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Chapter 13

Dinner was an exotic mixture of spices and flavours and soon Aimee forgot about Zahir's request as the conversation flowed around the table.  Shiran excitedly chatted about the gifts that had arrived that day and soon the conversation turned towards the thank-you cards that had to be sent out.  Zahir agreed to sign them if Shiran wrote them all.  Aimee was not asked for comment.  She didn't mind; the less she had to do with that stuff the better.  She would thank Asim personally for the spectacular rubies even though they were not hers not keep.  And whoever 'Leo' was, she would send him a thank-you if she could locate his details.

After dinner Zahir motioned to Aimee to follow him down the hall.  At first she thought they were going back to the library but thankfully he skipped that door.  Soon they arrived at the solarium, one of Aimee's favourite rooms. 

He indicated for her to take a seat on one of the low divans before taking a seat of his own.

"Aimee," he began, and his dark eyes fixed onto hers, "things have not been... amicable between us lately and it is not how I want it.  I cannot tell you how you should feel, but I want you to be happy here." 

Aimee didn't say a word, just waited for him to continue.

He looked around the room.  "This is not such a bad place to be, is it?"

She followed his gaze over the lush plants and colourful mosaic before answering.  She had to be honest; it beat the hell out of being in jail.

"No, it is not."   She admitted.

He looked relieved.

"But it is not home."  She stated flatly.

Zahir's face was serious again as he pondered this.

"I can understand that, and I am not unfeeling, please believe me.  Tell me what I can do to make it feel like a home to you.  If it's in my power to give, I will do it."   He reached out to hold her hand as he said it.

Aimee felt torn. She could hear the sincerity in his words but she wanted to go home and knew he would never agree to it.   The Arabians valued family above everything else; perhaps he would allow her to contact hers.

"I miss my family and friends, and my work.  I'm bored with nothing to do."  She confessed.

She watched as realization dawned on his face.  Then a quick succession of other emotions: anger, relief, confusion.

A brief smile appeared on his lips and he looked embarrassed.

"Yes, I admit, it has occurred to me that I have managed to cut you off from the outside world.  Would you believe me if I said it wasn't my intention?"  He now held her hand with both of his. 

His hands were warm and slightly rough.  Not as soft as she expected them to be. His face had softened and he seemed relieved that she wasn't throwing a tantrum.

He did not wait for an answer and continued, "Actually, I brought you a gift!" 

Without completely releasing her hand, Zahir reached into his pocket and pulled out a slim white box.  The familiar logo caught Aimee's eye and she could feel the excitement welling up inside her.

He laughed at her expectant face as he held it out to her.  "Please accept this as a token of my apology.  It has already been set up and you can phone your family and I will see what we can do about your work."

She stared down at the box in her hand, feeling its weight, momentarily speechless.

He bought me a cell phone.

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