2.3 || Golden Harbinger

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Cambriage: the bordering town North of the capital of the Hershian Empire. Like a remnant of the wars before it, the fortress remained quiet and dry even on the most glorious of days. There was almost never rain—and if there was any precipitation, only snow—which surprised Seungmin who wasn't used to such a range in temperature in one country. He realized now why so many people refused to live in the border town: it was much like a bubble, the snowy weather in Cambriage, separated from the rest of the warmth of the Empire.

But at the same time, Seungmin could see the beauty of the land. It was quiet but not dead. There were still a few people wandering around the paved paths, and there were warmly lit lanterns that glowed amber onto the shoveled snow. The buildings were also clean, and the trees were neatly trimmed by the townspeople. Many were outside and clapped as the carriage slowly moved past, toward the large fortress mansion where Prince Sion would stay in.

Admittedly, Seungmin was relieved that he now had an actual building to himself, tired of the close social proximity to others in inns. He could have been hosted by some of the nobles who were in his faction (they would have been happy to do so because it meant they were being sponsored and garnering some attention or respect), but the listless boy didn't want to have dinner with adults and deal with their attempts to lick his shoes. But his back was aching from the carriage rides, and his body was in need of a long bath unbothered by the traveling agenda. He looked forward to spending his days inside a large building with only himself to worry about.

"Prince Sion," Yeong-Su said from outside, riding on his horse by the window. "We've arrived at the manor."

Seungmin nodded while turning his attention back to the scenery. The long carriage trip was finally over, and he had finally reached the destination. The first few days were quite long because he refused to leave the carriage, mentally exhausted to do anything but sit and stare blankly at the scenery, but the other days were much better after walking around the towns with Sophia and Yeong-Su. He even walked through Kyre, the town before Cambriage, but he didn't see Alexander who should be there, as his main family's house resided in Kyre...

The soft mint strands of his hair slid down his face as he closed his eyes, not wanting to think about the pesky, mischievous boy any longer. He had purposely worked hard on the school project to get over it quickly, so what was the point of thinking of Alexander any longer? His eyelashes drooped down as he gazed at the mana beast laying in his lap, fully asleep. There were a few fairies also in the carriage that were sleeping on the soft cushions on the other side. How serene.

Soon, the horses came to a halt and sighed as they kicked their front hooves, signaling the end of the ride. Seungmin silently draped a winter robe over his shoulders and snuck his arms under Shin, lifting it into his arms. Its snow-white ears twitched, but it remained asleep and the soft breathing relaxed the Prince. He took his free arm and more closely tucked the robe toward Shin to keep it warm. The thick, black layer felt much like a weighted blanket, and the tuffs of lush, yellow-spotted grey fur around the neck wrapped around Seungmin's neck snuggly.

There was another knock on the door followed by a cold breeze as the wooden carriage door opened. Sophia greeted the Prince with a broad smile and stepped to the side to let him out.

"Do you see the snow, Prince Sion?" she beamed, pointing to the piles resting by the gate walls. Recalling that it was the first that the older girl had seen snow, Seungmin regarded her behavior as true joy and flicked his wrist.

"You may go sightseeing after the luggage is moved," he murmured while walking toward the large metal entrance. Though the cold grey material was unwelcoming, Sophia eagerly opened the doors, revealing the usual welcome protocol by the workers of the place. Lined on each side of the gold-rimmed, royal red carpet, the maids, chefs, gardeners, etc bowed in sync with a hand to their chest.

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