Another story

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When the rule making Kingpin meets the rule breaking Revolter!


" Ok so tell me what is that you love the most ?" He asked

"My country." She replied while pride reflected in her eyes.

"What is that you hate the most?" He asked again.

"Corruption and corrupted people they are harming my country the most!" She replied with hatred glistening in her eyes.

"Ok and a profession you like the most and one you dislike the most?" He questioned with curiosity in his eyes.

"Well I have a thing for defence forces specially Indian army so undoubtedly I like them the most but no offence to you I have a strong dislike for politicians." She replied honestly.

"I have been both so tell me do you like me or dislike me?" He asked cheekily while she looked stunned!

Did he just shut a lawyer up?


Living as an orphan she knows the hardships of life hence all she ever thought about was having a better life by hardworking along with serving her country who has provided her shelter and warmth that she never got in a family. So inorder to achieve the success she had planned her life in a certain order.

But what if a dashing Chief Minister barges into her life demanding her attention?

It was not the part of plan so how will she handle this?

Inorder to know about it follow me in this journey of the youngest CM of Punjab AKA The Kingpin and a hot headed lawyer AKA The Revolter to them becoming The Kingpin's Revolter!

-Ramandeep Kaur ❤️


This is the description of another book of mine that I will release in a few days after the cover, banners and aesthetics are done!

So tell me magicians how's it?

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And to your relief this will be a fully stand alone book so all the mysteries of this individual books will be solved in this book only 😂😂

So tell me your views upon this new book!

The title is The Kingpin's Revolter ❤️❤️

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