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2 months later
BLOODY HELL!"I said as I dropped a glass resulting in it shattering I was at the end of my ropes in

Jeremih is running around and won't stop not to mention ray's little brother is here to the kitchen is a mess I'm trying to cook and clean and they keep screaming

The phone keeps ringing I tried to call kash or jordan but they aren't answering their phone I bend down picking up the glass

I break down crying "fuck fuck FUCK MY LIFE"I bang my hands to the floor resulting in the glass getting in my hands

I finish picking up the glass trying to take deep breaths like jordan taught me I get up and try to walk up but ended up tripping on the boys toys and fall backwards

I gasp and tried to grab something all I could think about was my baby I tucked and covered my stomach preparing for impact

But it never came that's when I realized there were two men standing behind me one of them actually caught me

"W-who are yall"I asked "I'm im reaper and that's ghost we are kash and Jordan's fathers and you are?"

"H-Harley,Harley Rene I'm their gf and soon to be baby mother"I said they both looked like jordan and kash you could tell

"Where are our children"ghost spoke he was cold and scared the shit outta me "minding their fuckin business and another thing lemm me tell you something"I pulled out my pocket knife and backed him into a corner

You ever and I mean ever take jordan from me again it'll be yo last day living home boy"my knife was to his throat he looked terrified just then kash and jordan walk in chuckling

And stared in shock as i held the knife to his throat before grabbing his hand and carving a H in it "let's this be a reminder you might be the drug lord but I'm a love sick girl that will kill if anybody ever came between me and my lovers got it!" I said raising my voice I let go of him and he fell yo the floor


I stripped out of my clothes and hopped in. The shower I let the water hit my body and tried not to think but thinks have been pretty hectic lately

Jordan and kash are constantly at each other's throats 45% of the time then we just started homeschooling jeremih and he's been having the most random tantrums

The house has been really messy lately I don't really have any help and I'm not really big rn but my feet are swollen and everything hurts and it's kinda hard to do thing when your pissing every 5 minutes

Kash and Jordan are hardly here and it just feels like I'm doing things alone I love them to death but it's always work work WORK with them and if I try to bring it up they say they'll do better and keep doing the same thing or just brush me off

I get out the shower do my face routine and then body routine I get dressed and go down the house is clean and they are sitting on the couch wit jeremih and talking to their fathers

They look up and see me i avoid eye contact with them I go to the kitchen and start to cook
I stand up on my Stand to get the seasonings

I grab them I clean the chicken and pat it dry I start seasoning and start on the other stuff

1hour later
They in there laughing and playing with jeremih and they dads "FOODS DONE" I yell
I pick up jeremih and sit him in his seats I fix the plates everyone sits down

I say the prayer and we start eating "I'm sorry." I look up and see ghost Jordan's father his hand is wrapped "she was 16 I needed her our son needed her." I said

He looks at me in horror "he's her son"he asked referring to jeremih i chuckled "no I had a miscarriage" i said lowly

"I've accepted it so please don't feel pity I was young and dumb" I said "I'm still sorry I didn't know you were pregnant"

"It's fine I'm pregnant now and won't make the same mistakes" I said sighing "have you thought about names?"Sadiki,Kairo,Enzo,Deuce,Ricci If it's a boy"I announced

"Aesira,Nova,Aki.Armina,Ricci if a girl"I said and they looked confused "what does the boy name mean?"

I huffed"it mean faithfully and I just like the names Kairo and Enzo but deuce means second and for that meaning it just means he is my second chance" I explained

"And the girls?"jordan asks "It means brave powerful fighter the name nova means new aki means sparkle and bright and armina means second too"

Just as I said that's jeremih threw a fork at me which I dodged luckily he got up and started throwing the toys again I must've forgotten I was holding a glass in my hand as it shattered

In my hand I banged my hand in the glass too "YOU WANNA ACT A FOOL I CAN DO IT BETTER"I started throwing things everywhere as tear began pouring down again

"FUCK THIS HOUSE FUCK THE CARS FUCK IT ALL!" I yelled I swung the fridge door open it pushed the glass deeper the door to it broke and I started throwing shit out the fridge too

I got a knife and cut up the couch the picture I broke the tv I grabbed a bat and broke the windshield before I finally broke down in tears as jordan and kash ran to me

"Baby what's going on with you"

You've never acted like this before"there arms are wrapped around me "why do y'all care"push them off of me and run upstairs slamming the door

I didn't want to think anymore and I didn't wanna talk either so I just laid down and after a while I finally dosed off

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