Chapter 5: The First Taste

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The look on Clint's face—like he'd been shot in the chest—made me a tad paranoid, had I said something? Though my universe and this one were pretty similar, there were still things that I was coming across that threw me for a loop. Though the language was the same, a lot of the idioms and metaphors weren't, was this one of them? Deciding that Auntie Wanda and Clint's slightly traumatized expressions indicated otherwise, I realized that it had something to do with my dad's doppelganger and I had unintentionally been insensitive about his death.

My entire body started vibrating, as it often did when I felt the need to be close to my dad and the inherent speed in my body wasn't enough to feel that connection through our shared speed. Mood sufficiently killed, I raced off to my apartment without another word, growing a bit lightheaded as I ran. My glucose levels must be low, that was probably enough running about for the day lest I pass out before replenishing my levels. Doing some calculations, I hadn't eaten anything since pizza earlier in the afternoon, it hadn't been that much considering my metabolism and I had burned through it pretty fast from running about the city.

I picked up a shit ton of Chinese takeout and collapsed on my couch as soon as I got back to my apartment, a big smile on my face. Today had been amazing, even my run in with the Avengers downtown couldn't bring me down. I had gone in to work this morning expecting nothing to change and then my whole world had shifted around me, again. I was the Avenger's official barista, I was going to be living with them, and I had revealed my existence as Rush, the fastest woman in the world. Ah well, can't get worse.

As these things go, I spoke too soon and simply hadn't realized it yet.

Despite FRIDAY's best efforts, the espresso machine wasn't installed until the day following the day I was supposed to start, something about getting security clearance for the workers taking longer because one of them had a record. Tony was livid and experiencing caffeine withdrawal because I wasn't allowed back onto the compound until they got me my own security clearance, which required a background check.

That might have been troublesome if I hadn't created a false background after I had decided to stay in this universe. However, it wasn't as thorough as a SHIELD background check would be and they would have discovered my false identity had I not been able to hack into the government and fabricate the necessary records documents to make it seem as if Jesse Sharpe had been a real person in this world from the beginning. It had been rather easy with my brain that processes information fastest at many times the speed of sound and Uncle T's computer that had a processing unit specifically designed to keep up with me. It was the fastest computer in this universe and mine, certifiable by the Stark Industries sticker.

But while my official start date had been hindered, my moving process was not. FRIDAY was actually so efficient at directing the moving service that my stuff was packed up, moved to the compound, and set up before I had even gotten my security clearance. So all my stuff was there, but I wasn't allowed on the grounds yet, per some orders by Nick Fury who had not been this concerned about security in my universe. I was so irritated that my speed was acting up and I was blitzing unexpectedly around my apartment.

Eventually, I got the message from Tony that my security clearance had gone through and I was now cleared to move into the compound and begin working. I was so excited that I almost ran there but restrained myself, it would take a lot longer than twenty seconds for a normal person to get there from the city and that would definitely give me away if I did.

When the appropriate amount of time had passed, I sped there, my feet hardly brushing against the ground, it felt like I was flying. Once I got there, I threw open the door and called in a singsong voice, "Honey? I'm hooome!"

Tony, who had been languishing about on caffeine withdrawal, suddenly shot up at the sound of my voice. "Jesse! Jesse, I need you!" He reached out a hand dramatically, pleading, "I need . . . coffee." What a drama queen, he acted like he was dying. To be fair, caffeine withdrawal could make anyone a little loony.

"Well, it's time that me and my espresso machine got acquainted, what would you like?"

"I don't care, I just need something!" He dismissed. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to the kitchen area, getting myself familiar with my new tether to the coffee gods; the espresso machine. "Something hot, please." Tony called from where he was sprawled out. I chuckled, steaming some milk while the shot was pulled from the grouphead, dribbling down into the mug I grabbed for his drink. Grabbing the mug once the shot was pulled, I turned off the steam wand once the temperature reached 130 degrees Fahrenheit and poured the warmed milk into the mug, tilting it just right so that the Ironman helmet design could clearly be seen on the top of the foam.

I presented the careful creation to him, who perked up immediately upon smelling the caffeine. "A plain latte, the simplest and purest form of espresso."

Looking down at the latte art, he paused, hesitating to drink from it and ruin the image, "that looks so cool, I almost feel bad drinking it."

Glowering, I threatened, "if you don't drink it, I'll feel like my skills aren't being appreciated!"

"Okay, relax," Tony placated, "of course I won't say 'no' to it." I waited expectantly, eyebrow raised, for him to take that first sip. He sighed in delight as it passed his lips, warm, rich, and caffeinated. "Beautiful, Jes, it's perfect." I nodded approvingly.

"Of course it's perfect, I made it." I said as if it were an obvious fact instead of subjective opinion. "I've been blessed by the coffee gods, so any cup that I make is sure to be a masterpiece, you understand? Don't doubt me next time."

"Never would, Jes, I have complete confidence in you and your skills, otherwise I would never have offered you a job, for the team, let alone myself." He was such an arrogant snot sometimes that I wanted to smack him upside the head. But he was my boss now, so I refrained.

The others of the team were not so restrained and such was how I first witnessed Black Widow—I got the alias right this time—smack Tony upside the head, just as I had wished to do. "Don't be such a prick to the new team member. She may not be fighting with us on missions, but if she can keep you from doing anything stupid like you usually do, you better believe she's essential."

"Stupid!?" Tony sounded indignant, "I'm one of the smartest people on the planet, I don't do anything stupid."

Simultaneously, both Natasha and I raised our eyebrows in clear disbelief. "Really? You don't remember Ultron?" Natasha quipped back.

"—That wasn't entirely my fault." He defended himself.

"Inciting a terrorist?"

"—He was an actor, he wasn't even a real terrorist." Now I was confused, this apparently was one of those things that was specific to this universe.

"Your house still got blown up, didn't it?"

"Well, yes, but that was the real terrorist behind him, different thing."

"The president got kidnapped!"

"He was also rescued!"

"Your behavior before that Russian guy went after you?"

"I was dying! I think I deserved to party a little too hard!"

They continued to bicker back and forth and I tuned it out, thinking back on everything that Tony had told me as well as Uncle T in my world. I came to one conclusion, which I didn't mean to but obviously did voice aloud. "You are . . . reckless and irresponsible." So remarkably like myself that I now realized what Uncle T was always cautioning me about, how frightening.

"Thank you!" Natasha exclaimed as if she had just been vindicated after innumerable years.

Tony shot me a look behind Natasha's back, "Jes! You're supposed to back me up!"

I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back on my haunches. "Maybe 'keeping Tony in check' should be part of my job description. Don't you worry, Natasha, I've got it covered."

"Please, if you're gonna keep Tony in check, you can call me Nat. You've already more than earned it just by taking up the challenge." She patted my shoulder. "And I would also like a latte, strawberry, if you would?" I recognized that it wasn't a request.

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