chapter 17

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- MILA -

The date.

Today was the date, that i planned for me and Azail.

Just as i woke up, i started getting ready.

When i got up from my cozy bed, the first thing i did, was take a shower.

I took extra time on shaving my legs and applying body lotion. I also did my skin care routine.

Dressing up in some sweatpants and crop top i hurried out of my room.

Azail was already downstairs. Dressed in a casual outfit.

We were going to make the food, then change the outfits for the date. I didn't want to wear a dress for cooking obviously.

He walked towards me and placed a quick peck on my lips.

"Morning, beautiful." He was way to sweet. And always melting my heart with his words.

"Good morning." I kissed his chest right on top of his heart. It became my thing i guess. Also he was way taller than me. My head only reacted his chest.

We ate breakfast, since i couldn't go through the day without eating first. I always wake up hungry.

After that i went to my room and started picking up a dress. Yes, i still haven't decided what to wear. I was thinking about wearing a simple summer dress, but this was my very first date so i had to wear something special.

I spent two hours searching and picking up an outfit. I had a lot of dresses. It was one of my hobbies to shop online.

I would buy different clothes for different occasions even though i would never wear them.

When i move out, I'll donate all of them. My closet was filled with clothes that i have never worn.

I decided that i was going to wear a satin red dress. It perfectly hugged my waist and reached mid thigh. Maybe it was a bit short but it was going to be just Azail anyways. The sleeves were long and slightly puffy.

I was going to pair it with red lace up heels.

Maybe i'll do a bolder make up look as well. With some darker shades.

I wanted to look good for him.


We were going to have the date outside. In the garden.

What we had to do right now, is to start with the food.

I thought it would be good idea to make Chicken Alfredo since we both loved pasta.

I placed all of the ingredients on the kitchen island.

We were also going to make cupcakes. I wouldn't have this date without them. It was the first thing i made for Azail. And i was going to make them today as well.

Planning this date was something that brought me so much joy. It was going to be my first date and with the first person i fell in love with.

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