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15. Family

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Val felt nauseous, and not just because she'd downed an obscenely tall glass of strong liquor the previous night.

She stood in the fifth floor hallway of Hilton Memorial Hospital, clutching the most extravagant get-well-soon gift basket that the hospital's lobby sold, too nervous to take another step. Despite the hours spent planning for this moment and begging for her father's approval, Val suddenly doubted whether she was doing the right thing.

What if her presence only harmed the trafficking victims? What if the women wanted nothing to do with her entire plan? What if–

"Val?" Matteo's voice steadied her.

She glanced over her shoulder to where he stood several paces back. They'd barely spoken since last night.

Val was still angry with him for dismissing her so abruptly from the party. She'd only heeded his command because her mind was still reeling from their heated encounter prior to Luca's arrival. Not to mention, she'd had just enough alcohol to disrupt her ability to muster an argument, so she allowed Luca to drive her home.

When she emerged from her bedroom this morning and saw Matteo again, he seemed content to pretend like the previous night hadn't happened. Val decided she would pretend, too.

So, she went to her father over breakfast and made her pitch. He eventually consented, but only because he wanted to enjoy his maritozzi in peace.

Val spent the rest of the morning finalizing the arrangements. With everything in order, she had nothing left to do beyond inviting the women to accept her offer. Now, standing outside of Room 521, she lacked her previous confidence.

She adjusted her grip on the gift basket and rolled her shoulders back, returning her attention to the door. "I'm fine. I just want to make sure I'll say the right thing."

"Valentina Romano," Matteo mused, and Val could hear the smirk on his lips. "The woman that's brave enough to taunt a man with a gun to her head but frozen with fear at the prospect of facing a handful of girls in hospital beds. You're a walking paradox."

"You think I'm brave?" she cooed, tossing a glance over her shoulder and batting her eyelashes in feigned modesty.

Matteo rolled his eyes, unamused. "Did I say brave? I meant foolish."

Val stuck her tongue out at the hitman before turning back to Room 521. Emboldened by Matteo's teasing, she marched to the door and knocked twice. A mature, feminine voice answered from the other side. "Come in."

She turned the doorknob and stepped inside the hospital room, where five faces stared back at her with wide eyes. The nurses told Val that the girls requested a room together, clearly unwilling to be separated after enduring such trauma alongside one another.

They didn't smile, but they didn't frown, either. Rather, confusion scrawled across their faces at the sight of Val filling the doorway. They must've been expecting another nurse.

"Hello," Val began, taking a small step inside of the cramped hospital room, followed by another. She offered the girls a hesitant smile and placed the woven basket of goodies on a table near the room's entrance. "I wanted to stop by and bring you this gift basket. I'm not sure what all it has inside of it, but the gift shop worker said it had the best variety of gourmet chocolates and chips..."

The girls didn't say anything, their confused gazes shifting to nervousness as their eyes flickered toward the doorway, where Matteo had followed Val into the room.

"Oh, sorry! I should've introduced myself," Val gasped and took an immediate step back, nearly bumping into Matteo in the process. Her cheeks heated to the point of discomfort. "My name is Valentina, but I prefer Val. And this is–"

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