IX: Novem

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The Prince's room was surprisingly barren, no spoiled brat to be seen. She knew he'd appear sooner or later however, as it was approaching afternoon. He regularly had tea at this time, and for the short time she'd known him, he was nothing if only a creature of habit.

As if summoned, a loud 'pop' resounded out, causing her eardrums to temporarily burst. Lavinia jumped, holding the chair close to her for support. "Please. Give me a warning. Have a sign or something that says you're going to do that. Wear a bell or something, i don't know" Lavinia chastised feeling her heart pound in her chest. Slowly, recovering herself, she pulled the chair out to sit on it.

Delvin grinned, though the gesture was entirely empty. He sifted a hand through his snow white hair, tossling it a bit, before slumping down in the chair opposite to her. "Go on. What did my mother have to say for herself? Was it everything I predicted?" He said, placing one hand on his chin as he gazed at her. Oddly, Lavina felt self-conscious under the weight of his stare, and shifted the long work skirt she wore as a distraction.

"Yes, you were annoyingly right about everything." Lavinia admitted, looking just above his face to avoid his eyes.

"Mmm, of course I was. There was no doubt about that," Delvin teased. "As much as i love you telling me how right i was, i want to know what she offered you?" Lavinia rolled her eyes, finally meeting his icy cold stare.

"Well, if you want to know, she offered me money. I refused and told her i'd do it for free," She offered, Delvin hummed once again in agreement. He squinted his eyes at her as he contemplated what she'd said.

"Risky." He said simply. "But, I see why it would work. Feeds into her delusion." Lavinia nodded, that hadn't been why she'd done it for free. It was more of the principle. She didn't like earning 'dirty money' and working for the Prince was bad enough.

"Are you prepared for the journey tomorrow?" Delvin asked, standing up and stretching slightly. He looked at her this time, like she was a puzzle he had to solve, like there was something hidden between her eyes that only he could see. It was piercing and uncomfortable, yet heating and lustful. A concoction of two opposites.

"Of course i am," Lavinia answered, standing up herself. She was smaller than him, only roughly coming up to his jawline. Which was strange in and off itself seeing as she was a taller woman.

"Good, I shall see you at dawn tomorrow, not a moment sooner please." Delvin smiled, waving her off.

"Aren't you going to say thank you?" Lavinia grouched, hands on her hips. Delvin looked down at her in momentary surprise before he retorted back.

"I don't need to, do i?" At this angle she could see he had a beauty spot, just under his chin.

"It's common courtesy." Lavinia ground out, reluctant to let him off. He scoffed at her notion, turning his back on her as he went to his desk to look at something.

"I don't need it."


It was dawn of the next, so early, that not even the bird had begun their chirping as Lavinia stepped outside the Palace. Bracing herself against the early morning chill, she wrapped her coat around herself tighter. Looking out to the courtyard, she saw him. The Prince's personal Knight, and General of the Royal Guards, Tobias.

Tobias was, without a doubt, one of the most obtuse men she'd ever meet. But she guessed, she'd have to give him the benefit of the doubt as their first meeting had been less than ideal.

"Lavinia! Or can I call you Lavi? Is that good? Okay, well come over here, the carriages are almost ready!" Tobias bumbled. Gods, it was too early for this. Lavinia rubbed her eyes, as she stood next to him, eager to try and shut off his talking.

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