Evan buckley

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Y/ns pov.

I was kinda drunk
I admit it.
I had a crappy day and I just wanted to wash all my feelings away. By the time I wanted to leave the bar I was drunk.
I called my friend to come pick me up.

She picked me up not even 20 minutes later.

"Jeez that bad of a day?" Emersyn asked as she got out the car and walked up to me.


She laughed and helped me into the car.

"Guess what." I said very drunk.

"I'm drunk"

"Noo! I had no clue." She joked back

We were almost back to my apartment, when a truck pulled out in front of us sending us flipping into a light pole.

I started freaking out. I looked over to Emersyn and saw she wasn't awake. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Hi! I was just in a accident my friend was driving and a truck pulled in front of us. We're upside down right now."

"Ma'am what's your address?"

You gave her the address

"Ma'am can you get out? Are you or your friend harmed?"

"No I can't, theres a pole blocking the door. And my head and leg is bleeding but nothing is numb. And my friends unconscious. I don't trust myself right now to do anything."

"And why is that?"

"I had a rough day and I got drunk. So I made my friend come pick me up. I swear I wasn't driving.

"Okay Ma'am help is almost there."

"Okay thank you."

I heard the sirens.

I heard people walking up to us then I saw my boyfriend Buck, and he saw me.

"Y/n?!" Everyone from the 118 looks over to me.

"Hey guys." Everyone rushed over

"Y/n how hurt are you?" Bobby asks me

"Don't focus on me, save Emersyn. This is all my fault."

Buck ran around to my side of the car.

"Guys the door is jammed and I can see blood on Y/ns head and Legs."

"I'm fine. But please get me last. Emersyn was only here because of me."

Buck sighed and he ran around and whispered something to cap. Which kinda made me nervous.

They finally got Emersyn out and got a pulse. Which meant they came to help me.
My vision was starting to get blurry which I knew wasn't a good sign.

"How we doing Y/n?" Chimney asked through the window that was now broken due to us being thrown unto the pole.

"Honestly feeling kinda dizzy. My heads killing me but well I'm drunk so that might be why.
My legs are tingling. That's not good is it?"

"Y/n can you move your toes?" Hen asks me

"No." I say attempting to wiggle them but failing

"Okay just hold on Y/n/n." Eddie says.

"Baby you're gonna be okay." Buck said as they were making a plan to get me out.

"I know." I say as I start closing my eyes

"Y/n no baby! Stay awake please!"

"I'm trying.." I say trying to keep my eyes open but I fell into a sleep while hearing people shouting at me to wake up.


I woke up as they were pulling me out the car.

As I opened my eyes I could see Buck in the background with his hands on his head Bobby obviously made him get away from the car.
My head was horriblely throbbing and I started to feel my legs but barely. I was freaking out and I could see Buck is too.

"I'll go get Buck Y/n." Hen says to me after they get me in the ambulance.

I mumble out a okay as she runs over to Buck.
I shut my eyes tight due to pain and next thing I know Buck is squeezing my hand.

I weakly open my eyes to see a very stressed Buck. He looked like he was crying?

"Buck? Why are you crying?" I mumble

"I thought I lost you Y/n/n! You scared the shit out of me!" He said then kissed my hand.

"I can't feel my legs Buck." I say with tears welling in my eyes.

"Hen said it's just the adrenaline. But she said as soon as it wears off your gonna be in a load of pain." He said smiling sadly

"I can take it." I mumbled earning a laugh from Buck.

"I know you can my love. I know."


Y/n/n means
your nickname

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