ch 111

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 The seemingly innocent words of the young man fell hard on Mu Heng's heart like a heavy hammer.

He gasps for breath.

At that moment, the sound and image not far away seemed to be pulled away and disappeared into distant white noise.

In the quiet buzzing, only his heartbeat was so violent, clear, and rapid.

The boy raised his eyes, and there was a layer of floating light and shadow in the depths of his eyes.

Mu Heng's Adam's apple twitched, and he suddenly raised his hand, covering Shi An's eyes without warning.

Shi An was taken aback.

He felt his eyes darken, and the heat of human palms fell clearly on his face, tightly covering his vision:


In the darkness, the other party's depressing and deep voice came from beside his ear:

"Don't do this. Look at me."

Shi An: "?"


There was a dark hoarseness in the man's voice, as if he was restraining some turbulent and strong emotions: "Do

n't say such things to me."

Shi An blinked, and the soft eyelashes brushed against the opponent's palm, a little At a loss.

He recalled it carefully for a few seconds.

But... I didn't seem to say anything just now.

It is clear that there is a chaotic darkness in front of him, but Shi An seems to be able to feel the heat in the other party's sight.

He stuttered a bit:

"Why, what's the matter?"

The other party said hoarsely:

"I can't help but want to kiss you."

Shi An: "?!"

In the next second, there was a clear heat on the lips.

Soft and dry, scorching hot, as soft as a feather, but with a strong sense of presence that cannot be ignored at all.

Perhaps it was contaminated by human body temperature, Shi An felt his face began to heat up, like a pot of boiling water, and his head seemed to become dizzy.

It was as if he was stepping on a soft cloud under his feet, and the temperature and breath of human beings surrounded him comfortably.

There was still darkness in front of his eyes, which made him feel dizzy like a half-dream and half-awake.

In the next second, the other party's hot and wet tongue licked in.

The very gentle movements just now suddenly became intense, as if they were full of endless desires to destroy and vent, but they were always restrained at the last moment that hurt him, becoming gentle and fierce, as if they contained endless intensity Emotions flock to Shi'an overwhelmingly.

It's like being trapped in a dense ocean, unable to breathe and irresistible.

A hoarse voice sounded in his ears, with a bit of extreme paranoia and frenzy:

"Since you stayed, you are not allowed to go back."

The boy's eyelashes trembled slightly, and a little tear was forced out of the corner of his eyes.

But, I'm not ready to regret it either.

Shi An was dizzy from being kissed, and replied in his mind.

The continent was in turmoil, and the world was turned upside down because of the giant dragon.

Whereas the pagans had a gloomy atmosphere.

The plan to awaken the dragon of the abyss and destroy the continent through noble phantom species failed.

Not only did they now suffer more than half of their casualties, but all the dragon treasures they had accumulated before were confiscated by the Administration, and now their personnel and financial resources are in a crisis that has not been seen in hundreds of years.

And even the advocates who have been pushing the plan are nowhere to be found.

No one knows his name, no one has seen his face, and no one knows how many years he has lived.

However, he has always been the most steadfast and fanatical promoter of the Dragon Project, coupled with his strongest strength, the accumulation of both spells and magic circles is unfathomable, it is he who has developed the entire organization to its current scale , He also brought contacts, resources, and wealth to the organization.

For so many years, the entire organization has surrendered to his leadership without any second thoughts or doubts.

However, their plan failed.

The giant dragon obviously has no intention of cooperating with them, and now it has disappeared again, and no one has seen its trace.

The whereabouts of their leader are still unknown.

Judging from the catastrophic explosion that destroyed the entire crack in the abyss, there was a high probability that he would not be able to survive.

So what should they do next?

In the gloomy atmosphere, one of the black-robed men slowly stood up and said in a cold and sarcastic tone: "To be honest, I never thought summoning a dragon was a good idea." He gasped all around

. Take a breath.

However, the man in black didn't shy away from this, and continued:

"Yes, giant dragons are indeed powerful and noble fantasy species, but this is also where they are most uncontrollable. They are too arrogant, even if they can be controlled It's hard to follow our instructions even if we're summoned."

He had previously expressed his opinion cryptically, but no one was willing to listen.

But it's different now.

The only person who could get in his way disappeared.

He was finally able to proclaim his ideas freely.

The rest fell silent at the same time.

Obviously, the current development situation is in line with the description of the other party.

"Everyone should also know why our continent has become what it is now."

The black-robed man looked around and said slowly: "The abyss and the continent were originally one, but they were forcibly separated. The fantasy of once occupying the entire continent This kind of disappearance, and all of this stems from the thousands of years of human conspiracy!... Our purpose is to use death to wash away the sins of mankind, restore the purity of the continent, and regenerate the entire world." At this moment,

another The man in black hesitated and said, "But... the dragon has disappeared now, how can we complete the plan?"

The man said slowly:

"Our former leader was too obsessed with means, thinking that human beings are too obsessed with phantom species. The debt owed must be collected by the phantasy species himself, but in fact... as long as the goal can be achieved, the means are not important." "

You mean..."

"That's right." The man nodded slowly: "The backup plan ."

In a corner of the entire continent that no one noticed, a new abyss crack opened, but no abyss species gushed out of it.

Only a purple-black mist slowly escaped from it.

In the depths of the jungle, monsters roared and roared wildly.

Before he knew it, Shi An was crushed to the ground in a daze.

The soft carpet dragged softly down his spine.

The man's strong and slender arms supported his sides, imprisoning him in a narrow area.

His lips and tongue were hot and gentle, patiently invading and occupying every inch of the boy's mouth.

Mu Heng's slender palms with well-defined joints were still tightly holding onto Shi'an's ankle.


The crisp sound of silver chains colliding sounded.

He touched the other's warm skin and slender ankle bones with his fingertips, until the small piece of flesh turned red, and then slowly, little by little, he slid upwards.

Thin white legs, knees, and slender thighs.

In the next second, there was a cold and strange touch on his wrist, which seemed to stop his movement.

Mu Heng was taken aback and stopped moving.

He lowered his head and looked at the tip of the tail curled around his wrist.

It was a very beautiful big tail, the whole body was silver and white, the top was thick and the bottom was pointed, and the fine and dense scales shone with a metallic luster under the light, which felt cold and hard to the touch.

At this moment, the tail was tightly wrapped around his wrist, and the tip of the tail trembled involuntarily.

Mu Heng was stunned.

At that moment, it was like a white lightning flashed across the dark sky, illuminating the blurred and broken details.

In the cave, the picture in the depths of sleep.

The boy with red eyes whimpered and begged him softly to let go of his tail.

Suddenly, Mu Heng held the dragon's tail wrapped around his wrist with his backhand.

He bent down, brought his hot lips close, and licked slowly and gently along the gap between the scales.


Shi An shivered and screamed subconsciously.

Mu Heng took a heavy breath.

However, the next second, he felt his hand was empty.

Before he recovered, the young boy who was lying obediently in his arms just now turned back into a palm-sized little dragon, fluttered his wings, and flew out from under his body in a panic. He threw himself under the bed.

Mu Heng: "..."

It took him two seconds to react, and he looked down at his palm.

The palm was empty, and the big silver-white tail had disappeared, but the temperature and tactile sensation remaining in the palm were still clear and vivid.

Mu Heng took a deep breath, and it took him a long time to suppress the desire in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up, walked to the edge of the bed and squatted down, then looked down.

I saw a palm-sized silver-white dragon curled up tightly at the extreme end of the darkness.

It rolled itself tightly into a ball, its claws hugged the tip of its tail, and its pair of beautiful golden-red vertical pupils were moist with water. At this moment, it was watching Mu Heng who was squatting beside the bed with extra vigilance.

Mu Heng stretched out his hand, and coaxed softly:

"Come out, it's cool down here."

"No." Xiaolong shrank himself a little tighter, and refused: "You are not allowed to touch my tail!"

Mu Heng said calmly and honestly. The voice said: "You said that I can touch it."

Shi An was stunned, and then realized what the other party was saying.

He was angry and anxious: "You, you're not just touching!"

"Then... just touching?" Mu Heng asked.

Shi An: "..."

I always feel that something is wrong, but it seems difficult to refute.

After racking his brains for a few seconds, Shi An still couldn't figure it out.

He gave up thinking, and complained instead: "You just took advantage of my estrous period before, but now it's still the same!"

Mu Heng narrowed his eyes: "Oestrous period?"

"That eyeball is right, You humans are so despicable!"

Xiaolong said angrily.

Just after saying this, Shi An froze for a moment.

Eh? Eyeballs?

yes! Where did those three monsters go!

During this period of time, he lived so comfortably that he almost completely forgot about his three followers!

Well, not nearly.

is already forgotten.

At the moment when he thought of those three monsters, Shi An immediately remembered his bag full of treasures, and his heart tightened.

Oops, Oops!

That is his wealth and life!

He thought for a while, looked at Mu Heng who was squatting beside the bed, and whispered,

"You promise me one condition, and I'll go out."

Finally, after agreeing to return his bag to him, one curled up in the The little silver dragon under the bed cautiously got out from under the bed.

The other party seemed to have become vigilant, and at this moment he was desperately unwilling to change back into a human form.

Mu Heng sat on the ground, with the little dragon that was finally coaxed out lying on his knees.

The TV in front of him was still playing, but it was almost the end of the movie.

Shi An blinked in frustration, and said aggrievedly:

"You caused me to miss an episode."

Mu Heng: "I'll wait for the replay with you."

Shi An became happy again, and he flicked his tail: "Okay!"

" Speaking of which..."

Mu Heng caressed Xiaolong's back unhurriedly, and asked casually,

"Did you just mention the estrus period?"

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