TWELVE | my cousin

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Crystal knew that she would have to wait 24 hours before reporting her cousin missing. So in the meantime she was going to deal with it herself. Her aunt and uncle had said just to wait it out. They claimed she would be back eventually. They were detectives. Even after she pleaded them to help they just looked the other way. 'Is this what Melody has to deal with!'

Crystal took on the case. She managed to unlock Melody's phone, "your birthday! You're kidding me." She extracted all the interactions Melody had on her phone. No photos. No calls except for the ones Melody got from Crystal. A couple of texts to her mother which consisted of progress reports of her grades, and weight.

The woman called Melody fat even though her diet consisted of carrots, caprisuns, ramen, and smoothies she gets from the cafeteria. Crystal was starting to understand why Melody always ran away. "This is insane."

The highest app activity was her favorite dating game Fallen Angel. Crystal didn't think much about it until she saw that the game was still active. She stared at the green activity bar in confusion, "the app is still open?"

Crystal opened Melody's phone and flicked on the game. The screen turned white and then light pink. Black flowers spun in the corners of the screen as the loading bar ticked away.

Crystal was confused why she felt the need to open the app in the first place but her instincts were telling her this app had something to do with her cousin's disappearance. And in every case she had solved, her instincts never proved her wrong.

She still felt a little silly listening to the familiar game music in her internship cubical. What appeared on the screen only brought more questions.

It was an image of a bird cage in the middle of a glamorous room. A man with short golden hair Crystal assumed was Gabriel Ashe. He was leaning over a woman with long black hair and green eyes. Some speech bubbles transcribed their conversation at the bottom of the screen.

( What is it that you want from me? }

{ I want you Melody. All I want is to love you. To make love to you. To have you, body and mind without interruptions. )

Crystal cringed at his words. "What types of games is Melody playing."

( Well I don't want that. I have a life Gabriel. I have school, I have my family. I can't just abandon that! }

{ Those people aren't family. And it's not like you choose to be a doctor. )

Crystals eyes widened. How did this game know so much about Melody?

( Then what the fuck is this! Do you think I would choose to be in a fucking bird cage! }

( Are you god damn kidding me! How are you any different then my parents!}

Crystal stared at Melody's words with wide eyes. Her conscious was ringing alarms. As impossible as it seemed. As crazy as she felt. Her conscious was telling her this was more than just a game.

{ You don't understand. But you will. I promise. Just give it some time. )

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