Cries to another

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Alex woke up, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

He had fallen asleep in his day clothes.

He wiped his sleeve against his cheek and realized he had drooled in his sleep. He sat up, realizing he had also fallen asleep in a diaper. Like a baby.

At least it wasn't- No. Of course it wasn't wet. Of course it wasn't..

He sighed, getting up and beginning to find something to eat

He took his sweet time, that time being half an hour.

He eventually found the energy to change his clothes.

He slid off his overalls with some (a lot of) trouble, and stood there for a bit.

He didn't need "protection"..



It wouldn't hurt to keep it on.


He put on sweatpants over his "protection"

He checked his phone, a phone that was now almost dead.

He was late for class.

very late.

"Oh well," he thought, "Guess I'll just not go."

He laid back down in his bed and drifted off to sleep.

He was woken up a while later when a knock came to his door.

"Alex? Are you in there?"  A voice said

Alex chose to ignore it.

"Alex? Are you alright?" The voice continued

"Leave me alone." Alex yelled, attempting to return to sleep.

"Alex, are you sick? Why aren't you in class?"

"Leave. Me. Alone." He shouted this time, anger very audible.

A sigh.

"Alright. I'll check in later."

He didn't.

Alex was asleep or crying for the majority of that day. He didn't eat, just laid in his bed either sleeping or watching cartoons.

He didn't go to sleep at night, he laid in his bed staring at the ceiling.

He fell asleep at 2 in the morning.

He woke up the next morning the same way he had the day before, but this time, he was very hungry.

He sighed, getting up. He rummaged around his room until he found a granola bar.

He began to unwrap it, when he heard a knock at his door.

He rolled his eyes and groaned, deciding to open it.

"Sam-" He began before immediately pausing.

The person in front of him was not his caregiver.

"Sorry, I'm not Samuel. He's sick actually." The man said sympathetically

That man, was Lucas.

Alex immediately looked down, granola bar now forgotten and on the floor.

"Can I come in, sweetie?" The man asked softly, taking note of the boy's shy demeanor.

Alex nodded slightly, shrinking in on himself.

Lucas entered and closed the door.

Alex may not love his caregiver so much, but he did wonder why he had been warned to not talk to Lucas.

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