The French Fries Series (DisneyTurtle)

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Overall Rating:


The French Fries Series
By DisneyTurtle

Book 1: French Fries (Rating: 5.5)
Book 2: Burgers and Coke (Rating: 8)
Book 3: Fried Chicken (Rating: 5)
Book 4: McDonald's (Rating: 2.9)


Book 1: French Fries

Kat Robinson is the girl in the background with only one friend. She doesn't care. But, soon, the high school's most popular jocks start paying a lot of attention to her.

Suddenly, people start calling Kat 'fat.' She believes them, and decides to go on a diet of her favorite food: French Fries.


This four book series has its ups and downs on the quality of the books. Book one is fairly good, book two is very excellent, book three is fairly good, book four is boring, confusing, and just a mass of swear words, insults, and stupidity. Book one keeps you interested, book two gets you addicted, book three keeps you fairly interested, and book four isn't worth reading.

I do not understand the titles of the books, and recommend changing them. She goes on a diet on the first book, but that is a very small part of the story. The titles aren't unique, but confusing. Book 1, 2, and 3, deserve better titles.

But, concerning the books, they are very good except the last one, book 4.

I recommend reading the first three books.


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The Chaos
By MidnightStorm14

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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