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   I was taking my usual evening walk when the head butler came running behind me and tapped my back. I turn around so fast. I realized yesterday I need to be more aware of my surroundings, especially in the evenings. I am royalty to one of the biggest mafias. (Cuba has the biggest one) It's the head butler. I check my watch and it says 23:57. He then says "Mr. Caputo, Your father has requested that you come to his office immediately." I nod my head then say "Well I have 3 more minutes until my evening stroll will be finished so until then he can wait." I turn around towards the estate and start walking. He then says "Signor Caputo, sono qui per informarla che è urgente."(Mr.Caputo, I'm here to inform you that this is urgent.)I shake my head 'no'. Then I look towards the house and sigh.

I make it into the estate and as I walk in I notice the atmosphere is a bit different. I then head up to my father's study. I don't bother knocking, I walk in and close the door. I walk in front of his desk and just stand there. I look to the side and I see my mother on the couch but she looks like she has been crying. I glare at my father and then go behind his desk where he is sitting and I say "What did you do to her, I swear if you touched her again!" She stands up and says "No, sto bene"(No, I'm fine). I then go to the couch and sit next to her and she holds my hands. My dad stands up and says "You're getting married." I look at my mom and shake my head 'no'. She then says "Amore mio, ascolta" (My love just listen) I pull my hands away and say "I'm not getting married! I'm also not going to be forced into a marriage just because you guys say I am!" Then the door opens and incomes a young girl. My sister Lucia. (She's 13 years old) She looks at me and says "Luci cosa c'è che non va?"(Luci what's wrong?) I shake my head and say "Nothing Cia, go back to sleep sorry we woke you." She then leaves. I then stand up and say "I'm not getting married, it's too late for this Good Night." My mother then says "Sit down, right now." I then look at her and she mouths 'Now'. I sit. My father then says "Your fiancée's name is- " I cut him off and say "I don't have a fiancée, I never agreed to this." My mom says "Let your fathe finish." I let him "Her name is Constance Storm. She is royalty to the mafia, you've met her before when you were younger but she was 4 and you were 8 so I doubt you remember. The Cuban mafia is mixed with the Spain mafia. As you know that mafia is higher than ours. But when you two get married, they will mix in a way." I then say "So this is all for a business deal?" My dad says "Not really. Anyways you'll meet her tomorrow so you should get some rest. You have an early flight in 6 hours to be exact." I leave the room. I go to my room and when I open the door my dog comes running to me. I then sit on my floor with my back against the door and my head drops from my shoulders and I sit there and contemplate life. 

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