Chapter 13

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Impatiently, I swing my reins back and forth. Johnathan and Matthew readied Abraxas for me, but Arawn insisted on tacking up Hector himself and now I am forced to wait for him.

Just like a common person. If he was nobility, he would have accepted the stable boys' offer to help. The moment I think it, I feel a breath of shame whisper through me. Who am I to put myself above others?

"Alright, I am ready," Arawn announces, leading Hector from the stables.

"It is about time," I grumble, stepping over to the mounting block.

"What is chafing at you today?" He flips the reins over Hector's head, then releases them and moves next to me.

I lower my gaze. "Nothing."

"Would you like a leg up?" He laces his fingers together and bends down on one knee.

"Thank you." I put my foot upon his cupped hands, and he lifts me so that I am able to mount.

"I have no love interests waiting for me at home if that is what's bothering you. No need to feel guilty for tearing me away from my true love. Because there is none." He easily swings himself onto Hector's back.

Blood blossoms upon my cheeks and I look away to hide the clear display of embarrassment. "What? No, not at all. W-why would you think that?"

"Because the servants were asking me about it," he replies nonchalantly.

"The little gossips," I mutter, tightening my grip about the reins.

Arawn laughs at this. "They might be invisible, but their tongues work quite well."

This tugs upon the corners of my lips, but I say nothing. Together we ride across the white pebble drive toward the forest. I don't relish the idea of entering the forest, but at least I am not alone.

The moment we enter the shadows of the trees, the temperature drops and the little breeze which had been toying with my hair completely dies. It is a quiet and deadly world. But it is one I am familiar with and although the hairs on my arms rise in apprehension, I squeeze Abraxas's sides so that he continues onward.

"There is no wildlife?" Arawn whispers as if he fears that his voice will draw the predators toward us.

"Yes, the forest is full of wildlife—they are simply hiding from you. They are more comfortable with the magic than you are, but you will learn."

Slowly, we pick our way through the underbrush in a southerly direction. There are few to no paths, so it is difficult going, especially on horseback, but we forge our way through and the farther we go, the easier it becomes.

After a short time, though, Arawn nervously glances about. "I am utterly lost. I honestly could not tell you which direction the palace is."

I point behind and to the right of me. "That way."

"How can you tell? Everything looks the same to me," he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"If you ever find yourself lost, always go toward the thickest part of the forest. If you take the easy path, you will continue wandering."

"So there is a certain magical element to the forest?"

"Yes..." I reply slowly. "It is rather psychological, I suppose, but eventually, once you learn its ways, it is possible to navigate through the different quarters."

He glances at me quizzically, so I explain, "The forest is split into four pieces: north, east, south, and west. Each has its own landmarks, characteristics, and dangers. They are like four people who you must become acquainted with. We are in the southern quarter now and there–" I point to an opening in the trees– "is the landmark that it is tied to."

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