Chapter Thirteen

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The sound of waves crashing against the rocks below filled the air, mixing with Ser Vaemond Velaryon's speech. A stone coffin holding the body of Lady Laena Velaryon sat on the edge of a cliff as men wrapped ropes around it.

"We join today at the Seat of the Sea to commit the Lady Laena of House Velaryon to the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merling King where he will guard her for all her days to come."

High Valaryian floated through the air as Ser Vaemond carried on. Though Aerys was too busy ignoring the glances Alicent sent his way to pay much mind. The prince stood to the right of Rhaenyra, his wife holding onto their two boys and the babe resting in his arms.

"My gentle niece," Ser Vaemond continued as the ropes were pulled causing Laena's coffin to slide closer to the edge. "May the winds be as strong as your back, your seas as calm as your spirit, and your nets be as full as your heart. From the sea we came. To the sea we shall return."

A loud splash filled the air as Laena's coffin tumbled over the edge and into the water.


After the funeral, the guests were invited to socialize on a balcony jutting out of the cliffside, Dragons flying overhead. Rhaenryra and Aerys walked out onto the balcony, looking around the crowd for their children. Aerys' brown eyes met a pair of lavender ones, his elder brother stared back at him. Looking away, Aerys' eyes fell on the Queen, her auburn hair gently blowing in the breeze.

A hand on his arm tore him away from Alicent, turning his attention back to his wife. "There they are."

The prince followed after his wife, watching as the crowd parted around her. Jace stood staring out at the sea, not paying attention to the people around him. A hand grabbing his shoulder caused the young boy to jump.

"It is only I, Jace." Aerys spoke, pulling his eldest son into him.. "No reason to be frightened."

Rhaenyra went to Luke's side, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Luke was a sensitive boy, always flocking to his mother's side.

"Those girls have lost their mother. They could use a kind word." Rhaenyra instructed her children.

The white haired boy took his brother's hand, and led him to where Laena's daughters sat alone. Aerys wrapped an arm around his wife, placing a kiss to her clothed shoulder..

"She is staring."

"Ignore her."

"It is hard when she looks like she would have me killed for merely daring to stand by you."

"What would you have me do?" Aerys asked, turning Rhaenyra to face him. "I would do anything you asked of me."

"Would you follow me to dragonstone?"

Aerys was taken aback by his wife's question. "I have duties, Rhaenyra. I am needed at the Keep." Aerys paused, turning to look out at the waves. "I will think on it."

"That is all I ask, Husband." Rhaenyra stepped closer to Aerys, her body pressed against his, and whispered. "You should speak to Daemon. Offer your condolences."

Aerys nodded, placing a kiss to Rhaenyra's forehead he made his way through the crowd once again. Daemon stood leaned against the stone banister, overlooking the crowd. Aerys patted his elder brother's shoulder as he passed, settling beside Daemon against the wall.

Daemon glanced at his brother, waiting for Aerys to say something. When Aerys made no room to speak, Daemon felt comforted. The Prince did not wish to speak, he didn't want to hear false promises and condolences. He wanted to mourn his wife in his own way.

The clicking sound of a cane alerted the two brothers of Viserys' approach.

"Your girls are the very image of their mother. A comfort and an anguish," Viserys spoke glancing at Aerys. "As I well remember. The gods can be cruel."

"It seems they've been especially cruel to you."

"Yes." Viserys chuckled. "You should return with us to King's Landing. It's time that you came home."

"Pentos is my home and that of my children."

"Daemon. I know we've had our differences, but let them pass with the years."

"It has been ten years, brother." Aerys tried to get Viserys to stop, noticing the anger building in Daemon.

"There's a place for you in my court if that's something you should need." Viserys continued.

"I need nothing." Daemon stormed off.

Viserys turned to Aerys, a confused look in his eyes. Aerys merely shook his head, walking to where his wife now stood with their children.

"Let us go to bed." Aerys spoke. "It has been a long day."

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