~Chapter 26~

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"I'm going to kill him! No wait I'm going to kill them all! How dare they blame you! It was HIS FAULT! Namjoon better hope he doesn't cross paths with me at work because I will skin him alive for hurting you! They didn't even give you a chance to talk?! I will strangle Taehyung the most out of them all though!Waahhh if I get my hands on them-"

Aera huffs as she paces in the living room while I lay my head against the couch staring blankly ahead while I silently cry. After getting home the whole thing was a complete blur as Aera went into older sister mode and brought me to the couch. She got me a comfortable blanket after she took my shoes off since I tackled her in a hug after she opened the door when I couldn't find my keys with tears blurring my vision.

The walk back home was a bit of a blur too after crying for almost a hour outside but I am just thankful I somehow found the strength to walk home. After getting home Aera was patiently waiting for me to talk as I cried on her.

It took about another half hour for me to calm down before I started sharing it all with her. It felt like retelling a story in someone else's eyes with how disconnected I felt at the moment and how it all still feels like it didn't happen.

Aera held me in a tight hug throughout the whole time and the moment I finished she burst out in anger at them all. I started from the moment I walked in up until the moment I came home so I tried my best to be fully honest even if it did hurt when I had to explain it all even if my emotions were a bit dulled from crying so much.

Is there even any tears left? I don't even know...I'm sick of crying

"I'm so sorry I pushed you to go today even after you went through all that with Jungkook and now you-"

"Aera..." I interrupt her as she kneals down by my side of the couch with tears in her eyes making me sit up straight forgetting all my heartache for a few seconds seeing her face twist in sadness.

"This wouldn't have happened if I just let you stay home after all that happened. If I just-"

"No no Aera please don't blame yourself. You were right about me trying to move on. This...nobody could have seen this coming unless they knew about them all. This wasn't your fault at all"

"But it wasn't your fault either so why are you blaming yourself?" Aera let a tear slip down her cheek before she pulls me into a hug.

I sigh as I close my eyes resting my head against her shoulder while no tears escape my eyes. My eyes feel dry from tears from crying too much so I just feel the emotions tug deep in my heart.

'But it wasn't your fault either'

I think deeply about her words as I try to numb the part of my mind blaming me for it all. I know I am not at full fault but I still feel guilty like I told myself so many times.

But why does it feel like I'm blaming myself a lot more than I need to...

I did my part, I tried to explain, I didn't try to lie, I pushed him away when I found out he met his soulmates, I tried my best to make friends and I never intended or intend to take away their soulmate. I have no intention to break their group up or hurt them yet why am I always the one in the blame, first for leaving and now just because I tried to live again?

The thoughts stir inside my mind as I hold Aera closer while a few sniffles come from her she lets out a huff.

"Aish here I am crying when you went through the worst. I'm sorry, I promise from now on I will protect you with my all. If they come near you it better be to apologize or I'm going to grab them by the nose and drag them away because they clearly don't have ears to listen"

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