Mushitarou Ouguri (angst)

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"He left me alone in this cruel world...We shared the same dark world and the same fate until life came and took him away from me... I was not concerned because he had you by his side, and after all those years you were the ome who saved him and gave him the peace. I will be greatful for that but on the other side....I HATE YOU!

You forgot about me! And all those promises...were just petals in the winter's only friend is my old violin and I'm thinking of repainting it with my blood...this is going to be your mission after all. Cause I can't do that being underground....

I was going to tell you how sad and angry I am but, I can't deny that I love you and I still hope to open the door one day and to see you standing there.

Also, the life is hard for you too...I understand but maybe we can be not ok together...If I had to spend an eternity in darkness and misery..I would gladly if it's by your side....
( ps. I found a lost photo of me, you and my brother's the most amazing I ever saw) "

I hope this letter finds you well, Mushitarou-kun.
Yours Y/n

He left a few tears on the last page of the letter and felt guilty...He tought that keeping people away was the perfect way to forget about all this...But he loved her...after all this years....What he should do now?! He let his head fall on the back of the chair...

I know this is a little short but is my first time writing. I hope you'll find it interesting. If I made some mistakes let me know and if you want a particular character just tell me. I'm a big fan of Mushi-kun so he is the first here. 🖤

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