Mushitarou Ouguri(angst)

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"I feel like I'm running but getting nowhere/
Fear is suffocating me, I can't breathe"

    "Are you listening to me?!" Mushitarou yelped annoyed at the fact that Y/n was lost in thoughts writing in her poetry notebook

    "Oh,...I'm sorry I was deep in thoughts...Can I help you with something?" asked tired with black eyebags but trying to sound nice

He raised an eyebrow and grab Y/n's notebook and start reading.

     "What is this? When did you became so.....I don't know...Poe?" He smirked at his own joke

    "Mushitarou...first of all, that was personal and second why you became such an as*h*le? Oh, forgive me, you always was. Me calling you that way is a pleonasm." Y/n said emotionless and done with his stupid game

    "This was supposed to make me feel bad?!" He asked still reading the notebook

Y/n stand up quietly and took the notebook back.

    "This is rude, even for you Mushitarou...I don't know what happened with you lately but you try your best to annoy me or just frustrate me. Why? You hate me that much? Is that so?"

    "You want to hear something pleasant or the truth?" He asked with a smirk

    "Oh...for God sake just tell me. You are playing with my nerves"

    "You think that no one knows where you are sneaking like at every night? I know you think I'm stupid, but I'm not an idiot" he crossed his arms

    "What do you mean?" Y/n looked at him with bored eyes

    "Your little rat friend needs information. I can understand that. But the fact that you acted so well to be my friend and try to help" he clapped his hands ironical

Y/n rolled their eyes and approached Mushitarou...closer and closer until their breath could be felt by the mischivous man

    "You know, Mushitarou....I loved you all this time. I really did. But you ignored me...every single time. *tears start to fill their eyes* and I was here for you...all these years and show you all my support and when I needed you, what did you do?! *Y/n was shouting already full of grief* all the love I gived you just to be put in a corner like an old book that no one want..."

He was taken aback by their words but tried to calm them down. He carresed their cheek
    "I'm ...sorry..I never knew you felt that way..." he was closer now and without realising Y/n was kissing him.

    "I'm sorry...I waited to much and suffered for a long time, bit you know...some people really cherish the vintage. Even the old book that was abandoned...I think this is a goodbye, because the one who really cared about me is waiting to report" Y/n grinned

Suddenly Mushitarou felt a sharp pain in his torso. When he looked down he could find a dagger put there by the one he couldn't love and appreciate...he felt at the ground, not from the physical pain , but because he was stabbed by his own comrade.

This is such a mess but....I have no BAD

Also the poetry from the "beninging" is from a song called "City of the Dead" by Eurielle

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