Chapter Three

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"Thank you, Joe." I smile at the delivery guy giving him the money for the pizza plus tip.

"You're welcome but we really should stop meeting like this. You need to get out more, I love you Hannah but our relationship is getting too clingy for me." Joe teased.

"Joe I am the only woman who will put up with you, better be grateful for what you have." I retort.

Joe has been delivering all my food for the past two weeks. I even had him go get me groceries once but I did pay him well so it's not like I was using him. I just didn't have the energy to leave the house. It's so cute that even though I haven't showered in three days, have pit stains, with food crumbs all over my robe Joe still tries to flirt with me. It's pathetic but he is the only human interaction I have since I have blocked out all my other friends so I entertain him.

"If you say so, but I'm calling my lawyers first thing tomorrow. I want a divorce." Joe demands.

"Okay fine but your loss. I was just about to give in on the whole babies' thing." I smirk at him.

"Goodbye gorgeous, I hope I never see you again."

"Bye Joe."

I watch him walk away and I am about to head back into the house when I realize I have not grabbed my mail in a few days. My mail box is piling up because the only time I ever leave the house is to get my deliveries at the door from Joe and even then, I barely cross the threshold. I confirm what I thought as I open the mail box to reveal its more than half full. I pile everything in there on top of my pizza box and carry it into the house.

As soon as I am back into the comfort of my house which smells a bit ripe due to all the used tissues, delivery boxes, empty wine bottles, dirty laundry and extra trash laying around. I barely manage to get out of bed so cleaning up is the last thing on my mind. At least I eat and drink, I am sad and in mourning, not suicidal.

I grab a slice of pizza as I sort through the mail. So many bills. It's like the universe is trying to remind me that while I am moping around, the earth is still revolving and moving on without me outside my doors.

A familiar envelop catches my eye and I am pleased to see that it's my long-awaited letter from Santiago C. Delgado. I hope in the letter he has revealed what the middle initial in his name stands for. It had me curious after reading his first letter probably a dozen times. I carefully open the letter because I want to preserve it, his neat handwriting still as impeccable as the first time I saw it. Seriously how does he have such a good handwriting?

His letter is a couple of pages long which leads me to believe that he has much to tell me which I hope are the answers I need.

Dear Hannah,

Thank you for reassuring me that calling you dear is okay. I apologize if it makes you feel old so I am taking it upon myself to find a better nickname. If we keep corresponding with each other, I will be sure to change how I address you.

I must say, I did not expect you to reply my letter but it was a pleasant surprise. You have a very beautiful handwriting as well, it suits you and your personality.

Please do not feel embarrassed that your brother shared so many stories of you with me. It shows how much he loved you and cared enough to remember all those details about you. If it makes you feel any better, I will tell you a couple of things about myself so we can move past the stranger's phase.

You asked about the C in my name, it stands for Cesar, cliché I know but my mom wanted me to have a powerful name so she named me Santiago Cesar Delgado. I am twenty-seven years old and of Cuban descent. I am multi-lingual since I speak Spanish as well. I have been told that I have a Cuban accent which is weird since I was born and raised in the States. Just like your brother was your only family, I also have a younger brother, his name is Diego, he is an eighteen-year-old senior in high school. We are not as close as you and your brother were but we are all the family each other has.

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