───※ ·16· ※───

638 171 41

I know this update got delayed but that's because this is exam period and I sincerely do not have time to update. This update would have come in last week but I accidentally wiped it in my system.

───※ ·DAMIAN· ※───

"You know what they say," Benji said in a sing-song manner. He was the hype man of the show so presently, all eyes were on him. He had his mic close to his lips as he looked at the students on the bleachers who were waiting for his next words. "What a man can do, a woman can do better."

A lot of choruses of 'yes' were heard from the female students while the male students were trying to disagree with their dominant deep low 'No'.

The coach mounted his megaphone close to his lips, before opening his mouth. "The girls for trying out should please step forward."

My eyes moved to every girl trying out as they stepped towards the block, which was a platform where swimmers stand before diving into the pool. The swimming pool had lanes that were divided by lane lines because, unlike a normal pool, this was made for events.

I silently moved my eyes to Nsikan, who hadn't moved. She had her eyes shut, and her body was trembling from where she stood. My eyes fell on her tiny hands which were balled into a tight fists and I let out a silent sigh, before gently wrapping my fingers around her fist.

Nsikan feeling this, quickly opened her eyes and stared at me in shock. I looked back at her and held those dark globes of her eyes with my gaze. Her dazzling eyes which usually glistened in the light were nowhere to be found which made me aware of how worried she was.

I gave Nsikan a small nod which made her suck in a long shaky breath. She was an open book and I knew exactly what she was feeling at the moment. As if concluding, Nsikan mustered all the courage she could find, before walking to the other girls trying out. I folded my arms, as I watched her stand amid the other girls.

"We've got the girls present here and ready to display their skills," The coach encouraged, looking at the girls ready to swim. They were all standing on the block while waiting for the coach to tell them to 'take their mark'. "At the sound of my whistle, I'll want you all to display your skills."

Some DJ-ing sounds came from Benji's speakers, which hyped the crowd. "One, two, three..."


Splashing sounds came after the coach had blown his whistle. My eyes immediately traveled to Nsikan. Unlike the other girls that had dived into the pool to begin the event, Nsikan was still standing on the block, looking lost. I took two steps forward, ready to pull her back if she wasn't comfortable with this, but Nsikan used that moment to join the rest in the pool.

I stopped on my track, but that didn't lessen any worries. Unlike swimming immediately after diving, Nsikan was still buried in the waters.

Was she drowning?

But that thought didn't stay a second in my head as Nsikan resurfaced and began stroking to catch up with the others. I watched her struggle and fight in her lane, so she could try meeting up with the others and eventually winning, but that dream was far from reality.

The competition came to an end with Nsikan in thirteenth place. She was busy holding her waist and trying to catch her breath.

"Okay, that was intense!" Benji exclaimed, but my eyes were still fixed on Nsikan. "Let's hear it from the coach himself."

My attention moved to the coach. This wasn't an official swimming event, so it was easier to know the results. "Just like the boys, only five would make it..."

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: 𝐌𝐈𝐗 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐗 ✅Where stories live. Discover now