Parents POV (at the end)

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~~ The day Peyton begged to go to New York ~~

Bill knocked on his wife's office door. "What's up honey?"

"We've gravely messed up."

"What do you mean?"


"What's wrong? Is she hurt? Has something happened between her and Lainey?"

"She's not hurt, but she has fallen for the girl."


"I was just as shocked as you. She barged into my office this morning begging me to go to New York because Lainey is there and apparently they got in a fight or something last night and Peyton feels responsible and wanted to go fix it."

"Wha- What did you say?"

"I tried to get her to tell me more about what's going on but she just kept begging me to let her leave. She told me that she likes her now. As in more than friends. I just don't know what to do because I feel bad. Without our interference she would most likely still be with Scott. She would have never even talked to Lainey. We need to do something. What if this is only because they feel forced? I never planned on her actually falling for the girl. The last thing I want is for our daughter to develop feelings that are not reciprocated. We need to talk to John and Sarah. We need to find that, Scott, boy."

~ 1 hour later ~

"John, we can't do this anymore!" Bill exclaimed barging into the man's office.

"I'm sorry?"

"The girls. We have to tell them they don't need to be together anymore."

"What? No! Why?"

Upon hearing the yelling, Sarah went to see what was happening. "Could you two at least shut the door if you're going to yell."

"Bill is saying we need to let the girls separate!"

"I've been trying to tell you two that this was a bad idea. What happened?"

"My daughter has developed feelings for yours and I no longer feel comfortable forcing them to stay together. I did not know that my daughter would develop these feelings and I am afraid they are not reciprocated, and or are only the result of us forcing them together."

"I have already contacted Scott, Peyton's old boyfriend. We have sent a driver to pick him up and he is going to come see Lainey and will be allowed to tell her everything."

"You what?" John was steaming mad by this point. "We had a deal, Bill. I should have known your word was no good. You're a rotten piece of-"

"JOHN!" Sarah shouted at her husband. "Bill is right. If the girls are starting to develop feelings for each other this has gone beyond what we thought it would. You need to let them separate. This has gone on long enough. We have it narrowed down to three groups, that could have been behind the attacks. If the girls decide to split we will just be sure to keep a closer eye on each of the groups to see if any of them try something."

John grunted. "I don't like this."

"No one does, but we shouldn't have done this in the first place." Sarah said, trying to calm her husband down.

"When are you telling Peyton?"

"Scott will be arriving in 2 hours. We plan to take him straight there." Monica answered.

"We will go with you." Sarah said.

~~ Dinner at Lainey and Peyton's house ~~

"Where is Scott?" Peyton's mother asked.

"I called him over and spoke to him earlier. He will not be attending."

"He, what? Why? He was super excited about getting back together with you when we sent for him."

"Yes, however, I did not feel the same. Anyone who is willing to take money in exchange for me doesn't truly value me. Lainey and Josie have also helped me to see how terrible he was as a boyfriend."

"Josie! As in your friend from high school? I thought you guys didn't speak anymore?" Bill asked.

"We have reconnected and are friends again."

"That's great honey!" Monica explained.

"We do still need to talk though. You guys should have never forced us together. W-"

"We know honey, and we are so sorry. We see tha-"

"Let me finish, mother." Peyton interrupted.

"There were so many other ways for us to be seen as a united front. That being said," Peyton looked to Lainey who was sitting next to her, "Lainey and I have decided to stay together."

"Hallelujah!" John shouted

"Shut up John!" Sarah scolded.

"Don't get it twisted." Lainey spoke up. "We are doing this for us. Not for you guys. We are actually dating now and have developed REAL feelings for each other. We will not be breaking off the engagement; however, we will also not be planning a wedding anytime soon. There are still quite a few things we would like to do and experience together before actually getting married."

"As long as you're happy, and my daughter is happy. That's all that matters." Bill nodded.

"Does this mean you two are going to hate each other again?" Peyton question her and Lainey's fathers.



The two answered at the same time.

"John! You're walking a fine line there buddy." Sarah threatened.

"Alright fine, woman. No need to threaten me." John rolled his eyes. "The feud is over, for good."

The girls smiled to each other and nodded at their parents.

The rest of dinner went smoothly and afterwards the parents left.

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