Chapter 14 ~ Radical

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---River's POV---

I woke up to the sound of birds outside my window. I sat up in bed and stretched. No alarm clock, no practice, no teammates, no responsibilities.


Dragging my feet, and feeling how sore my body was, I was ready for a day of rest. I needed it, I could feel it. The game yesterday had sucked the life out of me.

I changed into thick sweatpants and one of my clean practice shirts and went into the living room. Holly was sitting at the table, eating an apple, and watching something on her phone.

She put her phone down when she saw me come into the room. Her smile lit up her face.

"Good morning," she said in a cheery voice.

"Morning," I replied much too flatly.

I went to the bathroom and noticed how unruly my hair was. I attempted to flatten down some parts, embarrassed that Holly had seen it in such a mess.

I took a long shower, mulling over what I should do today. I didn't want to run because my feet ached. The gym was out, too. Oh, there was a video game sale going on this weekend. I should check out some games. I brought my PS4, my prized possession, after all.

Who am I kidding? I'd buy a new game but go right back to playing my old games. I should just stick to them.

When I got out of the bathroom, Holly was gone. She left a note on the fridge that read, "Here's my number: xxx-xxx-xxxx. I'll be at work all day - text if you need anything!"

I saved her number in my phone. If she was doing something malicious, surely, she would've wanted my number long before now. Everything she did added up to her not being suspicious. I was too blind to see it in the beginning, but now, I felt foolish. I should've given her a chance. She was in the same situation as I was, and I had been nothing but rude.

I needed to make up for it.


All day I lazed around. I did have some homework to do, which I worked on for a few hours, but besides that, I was on my PS4.

I ate ramen at around noon. I was starving by the time the door opened at around 6 p.m.

Holly stepped inside, her blonde hair in a neat ponytail, her work clothes still on. A cute white button-down top and a dark skirt.

Her eyes actually got brighter when she saw me. I put down my controller.

"Hi," she greeted. "I brought some bagels back if you want some. Oh, I guess I never told you that I worked at a café, that's where I get all these baked goods from. I didn't steal them. I was thinking of making some food for dinner if you want some... Oh, did you see my note?"

"I did," I said, amused at her ramblings.

"Good." Holly went to the bathroom for a bit, then to her bedroom. She came back out wearing a Superman t-shirt and black sweatpants. Her hair was down, flowing around her shoulders.

I was done gaming for the day and stood at the table, eating a cheese bagel for dinner. Holly sat at the table and pulled out her phone.

"By the way," she spoke, "you can use the groceries that I bought if you'd like. I don't mind if you cook with them."

"Are... are you sure?"

"Of course. We can always trade off who shops and who cooks. I don't mind."


We fell quiet, me eating my bagel and Holly doing something on her phone.

I was conflicted in my mind. On one hand, I was really starting to believe Holly was a nice girl, that she was true in her words. On the other hand, I had a reputation. Girls changed when they met me. As much as I might've been wrong about Holly, I still wanted to keep this whole situation a secret. And that got me thinking... should I pull back a bit? Was I being too open to her? I didn't want her to think we could be... friends.

"I'm going to watch a movie if you'd like to join," said Holly suddenly. She moved to the couch and flipped the TV on. She screen-mirrored her phone so that it played on the TV.

"I'll pass," I said, walking to my room.

Then I heard it: the theme music for the Radical.

I whipped around. Sure enough, the title The Radical II showed up on the screen shortly after the grand theme music.

"How did you get this movie?" I asked Holly. "It premieres in two weeks."

She turned around to look at me since she had been facing the TV. "It hasn't officially been released yet, but I have some connections, so I can stream it now. The password is about to expire to the link though, so we can only watch it tonight."

"I can't watch. I have homework."

"Suit yourself." She faced the TV.

Ten minutes passed. For some reason, I found myself sitting on the arm of the couch. After ten more minutes, I was sitting next to Holly. I didn't know how it happened.

"Why is his cape that color?" I mumbled without thinking.

"I know right? It should be a duller blue. I don't know why they changed it..." Holly trailed.

I glanced at her. "Did you... read the Radical comics?"

Holly smiled a bit. "I picked up a lot of my brother's favorite hobbies, and he's obsessed with comics."

"You have a brother?" I asked.

"Yes, one older brother," said Holly. "Don't worry, I won't tell him that I live with you. He'd kill you." She let out a chuckle.

I tried not to think about that too much.

When we were two-thirds of the way through the movie, Holly pointed at the screen.

"Who is she again?" she asked.

"She's the main villain's wife. We've seen her three times already," I explained. "Didn't you read the comics?"

"Yeah, but I'm bad with movies," said Holly defensively.

"Admit it, you're only watching this movie for the cute main actor."

Holly flushed red behind her glasses. "No! Movies are just confusing to me!"

"I'll stick to my theory."


I saw her smile out of the corner of my eye as we watched. She definitely had a crush on the male lead.


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