Chapter 27

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A monstrous groan roars across the kingdom, but the water around me absorbs the sound, turning it into a dull reverberation that rattles through my bones. I spin myself around, and watch with a moment of peace, as the bombs explode, triggering one another and billowing clouds of infernos into the air, a storm of bright orange and yellow. Then the bridge collapses. Enormous chunks of debris crack from the construction, falling into the river. I swim to the surface, gasping for oxygen. Ruben waves from the side of the river, shouting my name.

Panic surges through me as more debris rains over my head. I scream as a large chunk of the bridge catapults me through the air. I swim across the river, coughing and spluttering as I stumble up the river back, flinging myself into Ruben's arms.

"Come on," he hisses, grabbing my face, and pushing my sopping hair out of my eyes as he checks for any scrapes and bruises. "We need to return to the palace right now."

I rush a goodbye to Aston and Baron, before following Ruben and Ajax through the Convex Sector and into the underground tunnels. Shivers rake down my spine and my teeth chatter.

"We need to get you warmed up," Ruben says.

When we finally slip into a back garden entrance of the palace, the water has dried from my skin, but my hair, still damp, leeches the last dregs of heat from my body. Ruben follows me into my room, and grabs a blanket, wrapping it around me. I tremble as he rubs my shoulders.

"I can't believe we did that," Ruben says. "We destroyed the only connection between the sectors. The king will retaliate." I can hear the distant, scarcely buried quiver in his tone – evidence of the little boy who both seeks his father's approval but also fears what is to come.

My heart clubs against my bones. "This is a rebellion against the throne. Of course, he will. He wouldn't let himself fall too easily." I stare up at him, watching the sliver of moonlight brush the grooves of his cheekbones.

He sighs, pinching his brow. "Will you be okay until dawn?"

"I'm going to warm up and try to sleep." I offer a tight smile.

His gaze lingers on my own, and I feel like losing myself in the warm forest of his eyes. "I was afraid I might lose you tonight," he whispers, tucking my red curl behind my ears. "I can't lose you, Elle. You know that, right?"

The breath deflates from my lungs. "Yes," I mutter.

His lips, only inches from mine, set fire to my soul. But then he tears himself away and wishes me goodnight.

My hands tremble as I crawl into bed, still reeling from our proximity. I grip the blanket, hunched beneath. I am warm and cold all at once. Like teetering on the edge of madness. When I close my eyes, I see him. Those forest eyes. The way he looks at me as if I'm a dancing flame. And I realize I want to burn with him.

The next morning, Tranqs barge into my room, startling me awake. Dressed in complete Tranq armour and helmets, they haul me out of bed, tossing my pants and tunic at me.

"Dress," one of them barks.

"What's going on?" I say, not bothering to hide as I pull on the cargo pants and slip into the tunic.

Another Tranq hands me my boots and I step into them. "He knows what you did. How could you do something so stupid, Elle?" they say with a trembling voice. "You're going to destroy us all."

Those last words rattle around in my skull as the Tranqs lead me through the palace, down the foyer steps, and into the awaiting carriage.

"Where's Prince Talin?" I ask, leaning against the window as the carriage jolts forward. The horses hasten along the path, out of the gates, and into the Concave Sector.

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