Part 9 Explaination

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"No way!"

"No way!"


"Addison is one of us! And she's amazing!" A-lya told the crowd.

"Mom, Grandma Angie was an alien." Addison told her.

"But that's impossible. Missy, tell her it's impossible." Her father argued.

Missy turned to her husband "Dale, I'm so sorry. I know, sweetie. I've always known."

"You lied to me?" Addison asked confused.

"My parents thought that hiding
was the best way to protect me. And you. Grandma always called you her most precious thing." Missy said.

"Wait. She said I was her what?" Addison wanted to check.

A-spen scanned the cup "No. No, no. The coordinates are not here. This is not the map."

"That's because the map isn't a what." Addison realised "It's a who."

A-lya scanned Addison "Addison is our map. The coordinates are in her DNA."
The aliens all smiled "Instrumomo!"

"You're the Scout's... Your grandmother's most precious thing!" A-li said.

"Yes! We found the map!" A-lan cheered. Addison hugged Zed and stung him with electricity by accident.

She winced "Sorry!"

"Yeah! Okay! Let's figure that out later." Zed groaned in pain. "But this is great! Now, you guys can record your coordinates and head back home." Zed smiled "And Addison and I are headed
to Mountain College together! I got in."

"That's great, Zed!" Addison cheered.

"But the map to utopia is dynamic. Constantly computing new units to guide our spaceship. It's not just some numbers. And since Addison is our map...She needs to come with us." A-li told them sadly.

"What? No. No! You cannot take Addison." Zed argued.

"These are my people, Zed." Addison countered "They need me to survive. When the aliens leave, I'm going with them."

The crowd around them murmured "This is the hardest decision I've ever made, but I have to do what's right." Addison said.

"Addison, there's something I have to share with you. I should've done this years ago. I just wish I was as strong as you." She pulled at her hair revealing it was a wig, she too had white hair too.

"You're beautiful, Mom." Addison said smiling.

"Oh, sweetheart." Missy said hugging her daughter "And I don't care what planet you're from. You're my family."

Missy smiled "Oh, Dale."

Her husband was shaking his head sadly "No. No, you can't leave, Addison. I'll mobilize the whole Z-Patrol to stop you. Please, it's..."

"I'm sorry, Dad." Addison apologised "But this is what I was meant to do."

Wyatt's POV

"They're saying the alien ship is damaged. It might not survive a launch." I said sadly.

"It's not totally our fault." Wynter replied "We just wanted to stop them from leaving."

Willa scoffed "Well, serves them right for lying to us."

"We also lied when we first came here looking for the moonstone." I reminded her sadly.

"Don't you get it?" Willa told me "They are stealing from us. They're taking Addison."

"She's choosing to go with them
to save her people." I said trying to calm her down.

Willa crossed her arms and admitted "Well, I don't want her to go."

I put a comforting arm on her shoulder "No matter how far away she goes, she'll always be a part of our pack, Willa."

A-lyas POV

"With the reactor damaged, there is a 67.9% chance that we will not have enough energy to leave orbit." A-lan said worriedly.

"We must try. The longer we wait, the worse our odds." A-spen reminded him.

"Okay." A-lan agreed.

Bree handed Addison some Pom poms "Think of me when you use them. They're supposed to shake, not me."

Addison started to tear up "Hmm. I'll miss you, bestie."

"Oh, I'll miss you, extra-terestie." Bree replied as the two hugged for the last time.

Zed stepped forward Addison showed him a small sad smile "I don't wanna leave, but the aliens need to find their home."

"Yeah. I know. Which is why I'm coming with you!" Zed told her.

"What?" Addison said excitedly.

I felt bad as I told him "It is impossible, Zed. Only our species is capable of space travel on the Mothership. You'd be fried by our stardust energy in a minute."

Zed's face fell "I was afraid we would be separated by a couple hundred miles when you went to college. Now, we'll be galaxies away."

Suddenly Mothership said "Core reactor is shutting down. Emergency systems activated."

"We must leave now!" I exclaimed "Even with our stardust power depleted, we must risk it." There was a series of honks and howls.

Bonzo drove over with the wolves and the moonstone.

"Bonzo! You got your license!" Zed smiled and chuckled "Show-off!"

"My rage will not be contained!" A-li yelled at them.

A-lya joined in and glared at Wyatt "You will not stop us from getting to utopia!"

"We're actually here to help." Wyatt said.

"You can find an infinite power source to recharge our ship?" A-lya asked sarcastically.

"Wolves!" Willa smiled "We'll let you borrow the moonstone.l"

Wyatt smiled "Thought you might need a jump-start."

A-lan said "The moonstone is powerful, but it is harmful to our people."

"Not if you have an adapter." Eliza told him "We just have to filter the moonstone power through our Z-Bands."

A-spen looked around "You all would sacrifice to help us?"

"Wolves always have each other's back, and Addison's a part of our pack. Forever." Willa told them.

"Transport us up, Mothership." I smiled "All of us."

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

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