27 | High

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TW: violence, eating disorder, drug use


I woke up feeling like shit.

That's good because that means I will get to use all of these feelings to fucking kill Leo.

I can't kill him of course because that would be too easy. He deserves to suffer. They all do. I was thinking... why not get two in one day?

Leo AND Celina. Because why not?

They always hang together anyway. But I have different plans for Chad. He will be the last one. And he will suffer like Bethany did. Maybe worse.

I walked downstairs. The boys were all there enjoying their breakfast. Can't relate.

They have completely given up looking at me. I walk over to Alex and lean down so only he can hear me.

"Caleb has an alcohol problem"

After that I simply walk away. I saw Alex tense up but he didn't say anything.

I grabbed myself some water and went back upstairs. I figured who needs breakfast when you have marijuana.

I smoke the joint in record speed. It kicks in fast and I feel great. I grab another one to double the feeling when my door opens.

"Not on my watch" he says grabbing the joint from me. He then sits down next to me and pulls me in.

At this point I'm so confused. He feels safe but nothing ever feels safe.

I kiss him. It felt right. He kisses me back but then pulls away. "You're high" he says.

I groan and lay down. The ceiling was spinning and so were his words. The line between consciousness and unconsciousness became blurry.

"No. Stay awake" he orders and pulls me up. He helps me stand and then leads me to the bathroom. He makes me jump up on the counter and I use him as a pillow immediately leaning onto him.
This didn't feel like me.
This wasn't me.

This was Kiara. And I can't let myself become her again.


I wanted to go downstairs for breakfast when I saw Kiara enter her room. It would be normal under common circumstances but we were anything but common.

I was about to let it go when I smelled weed. Is she...?

I made my way over there and walked in. She was about to take a drag of a second joint it seems like when I took it away.

"Not on my watch" I wasn't going to let her get hooked on drugs again. I pulled her closer to myself as I sat down.

She kissed me. It felt amazing but I couldn't take advantage of her in this state.

So I politely decline.

She groans and lays down but I can tell she is close to passing out so I force her back up and on her feet.

Once she is on the bathroom counter she leans on me. It was really cute but I was determined on keeping her awake.

"If you don't cooperate, I will tell Alex" I say quietly. She groans. Usual.

I got to say it did excite my dick a little.

I forced a shit ton of water down her throat and then took her to her bed. She fell asleep right away.

Nothing Ever Lasts Forever | BOOK 1 ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat