Chapter 26

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Douglas and Becky entered the room where Alex stays .

In the meanwhile Becky explained everything to Douglas .

Douglas knock the door and Alex opened it .

Douglas hold Alex from his back and made him to sit on a chair , he tied him to the chair .

Say me ! Becky asked

What ?

Why are you following Heng and Chaya ? Becky questioned

I did not ! Alex replied

See man unless i speak in mouth you will be fine when i start to hit you , sure you will say your previous generation history too, Douglas threatened him

I seriously i do not !!!

Then why you follow them on that day in the park .

Alex took a moment to say !!

That day i did not follow them , i follow another the women with them

You know who is this !!! Becky asked

Alex pointed his hand towards a table

In the drawer you can have that women photo

I m working for a gang in Thailand , we usually get assignment to follow a person and give the entries detail about them.

Becky walked towards and saw that photo , she is shocked

Who is it ? Douglas asked

Without believing the photo , she showed again that photo to Alex to make sure is it the women she need to follow up .

Yes !! She is the one

Becky left the place and Douglas untied him , follow Becky

Becky who is it ? Douglas asked

It's Sarocha Chankimha ... Becky said

What you mean your boss !!

Yes , Becky still in shock

Douglas did you got any other information from him

Yes , this the person who asked to follow them .

Give me two days , i ll found who is he ! Douglas replied

Can you please drop me in home ! Becky asked

Yes , I'll be late till my party is not over , Douglas replied

It's fine , Becky replied .

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