Chapter 33

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The Past - VI (Last)

Aiden's POV:

"I love you..." I whispered in her ear as she slept, her face exhausted and flushed because of our love making.

She is mine, she is finally mine!

I will treasure this night for my whole life. She mumbled something in her sleep which I couldn't comprehend.

I slipped out of bed, once she was sound asleep and went to the washroom. I took a small towel from the cabinet and soaked it with warm water. Coming to the bedroom, I carefully lifted the quilt from her lower body part, she sighed but didn't wake up.

A wide smile appeared on my lips as my eyes caught the stain on our bed sheets. I softly opened her legs and wiped her area with a warm towel and she moaned in her sleep.


I cursed under my breath and looked down at myself as I felt her affect on me. Rein your l****o, you h***y b*****d!

I closed my eyes as I completed my task with utter difficulty and finally went for a cold shower.


Five months! I guess that's enough time to get to know and trust someone. I have been very busy these days with the ongoing project at our company.

But I couldn't concentrate because I was worried sick about my wife. She seemed pale these days and has stopped eating. She would just take a few bites and claimed to be full after that. Is something wrong with her?!

Is she upset about something?!

I noticed she had been avoiding my eyes these days.

Did I do something wrong?!

Or maybe she doesn't like me anymore..

Will she leave me?

No! No way! She is not like that.

I am just being paranoid and I am sure she wasn't doing anything on purpose.

Maybe she is just feeling lonely because I couldn't give her enough time..

Yes! That must be the reason..

I picked up my phone and called my one friend who I thought could help me a little..

"What's up?" He picked up the second ring.

"How to confess to a girl?" I asked directly and heard a vigorous choking on the other side.

"What the ****, bro!" I heard his voice while coughing.

"Tell me already! Did you ever confess to your woman? How to do it? I want to confess to my wife but I don't know how," I asked annoyed.

"Um, I actually did but-"

"Tell me then, how did you do it?" I asked impatiently.

"I- I got rejected after my confession," He said as he heaved a sigh.

"Of course you did! You lost your timing, but you love her so you are the only one I can ask about confessing that might be successful. I don't trust other jerks," I heard his crispy laugh.

"I am honored," He said with exaggeration.


"So, I can help you, I did some research back then," he said.

"Thanks! Adel, I will come to your office to talk about it."

"Sure!" He said and hung up.

I quickly gathered my things and left the office. I never imagined that my life would be turned upside down after that day and the things I had left behind in the past would come back hunting me down...



Aiden's POV:

I couldn't help feeling enraged when the memory of that day came back to me. The day that destroyed everything precious to me..!

"Dad!" I turned to the excited voice of our son. He was in his pajamas and I couldn't help being emotional again as he called me 'dad'.

"Champ! So, what does my son wanna do?" I kissed his forehead and picked him up in my arms, going inside.

"I want to know about the AI project you're working on with Simon," he said excitedly. I sat on the couch again, with my son on my lap. I clenched my jaw as I saw Atlas talking about that b*****d. Does he like him?

I suddenly felt a burning feeling in my chest again. I was ignoring that b*****d because I know they were both faking their relationship. They didn't wear rings and my men also kept me informed about all their meetings. They didn't seem like a couple, they never even held hands.. not that I am complaining.. I would go berserk if that was real. But I knew that b****d felt things for my wife, I could see it in his eyes but I know it's not mutual because I could see that Adira didn't look at him like she looked at me before. That's the only reason I didn't fly into a fit of rage and kidnapped her to keep her away from him, because I knew force will worsen the things between us.

I know she is doing that just to keep me away from her but she knows nothing.. hell would freeze before I will let my wife go to someone else's arms!

"Dad.. what happened?" I heard our son calling me again.

"Oh nothing, son! I will take you to the office. I have a research lab filled with technological products and AI advanced robots which will definitely catch your interest, what do you say?" His eyes shone with excitement as he nodded.

"Uh, son, are you and your mom close with Simon Knight?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes! He is very nice and I enjoy playing with him. He also makes mom happy," Atlas turned serious as he said the last sentence as he hinted to me the danger.

Now I wanted to fly into the fit of rage. I need to do something to keep that f*****g b*****d away from my wife.

"Don't worry, dad! I will put in good words about you to mom," he patted my shoulder with his small hand and reassured me like an adult. I couldn't help chuckling as my anger subsided because of my son by my side.

"Thank you, son! I think I will need your help a lot." I whispered to him and he nodded like an adult.

I looked around, not seeing Adira, I asked him.

"Where is your mom?"

"She said she would sleep and I can sleep with you in the guest room," I felt a little disappointed because I won't be able to see her again before sleeping but I would let it go for now because she seemed really tired.

Instead, I will spend time with my son and bond with him so that he can forget his fun time with that b*****d...


Lovely people! How are you feeling about the story so far?

There are few more characters who would make small appearances in this story and there might be their own stories in future.

Love, Lucertia! 💕

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