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SportsnetNew Jersey Devils' Jack Hughes Smashes Hockey Stick in Frustration After Ejection

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New Jersey Devils' Jack Hughes Smashes Hockey Stick in Frustration After Ejection

#Hockey #JackHughes #NewJerseyDevils

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The New Jersey Devils' star forward, Jack Hughes, made headlines after an emotional outburst during a recent game against the Pittsburgh Penguins. Hughes, known for his passion on the ice, was ejected from the game after an altercation with a Penguins player.

In frustration, Hughes took his anger out on the locker room wall, smashing his hockey stick into the surface. The force of the blow left a sizable hole in the drywall, and witnesses reported hearing the sound of the stick shattering.

The incident drew a mixed response from fans and the media. Some praised Hughes for his intensity and competitive spirit, while others criticized him for his lack of sportsmanship and poor behavior.

Hughes addressed the incident in a post-game interview, expressing regret for his actions and acknowledging that he let his emotions get the best of him. "I know I need to control my temper better and handle myself more professionally," he said. "I let my team down today, and I'm going to work on being better for them."

The Devils' head coach, Lindy Ruff, also commented on the incident, saying, "We don't condone that behavior, but we understand that emotions can run high in a game. We're going to talk to Jack and help him work through this."

Despite the incident, Hughes remains one of the most talented and promising players in the league, and his passion and determination on the ice continue to inspire fans and teammates alike.

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User1 bro should start a career as a boxer

User2 oh damn

User3 Jack pull a trevor

User4 bro Inessa Zhivago did the same..
User5 who's Inessa?
user4 a figure skater

User6 me when jack: 😵😵

User7 #jinessa is trending on twitter..

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